Chapter 31

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We arrived at work and I looked around to see everyone working diligently. They seemed really busy for some reason. I look from them to Monel, curiosity filling us both.

"What's going on? No one ever works this hard on a Monday." I say laughing at my own joke.

"Kara, you serious?" Monel looked at me with a smile of excitement. "It's the day of interrogation." Then I finally remember and laugh lightly at my mistake.

"Oh yeah! How could I forget!" He gives me a concerned look and rests his hand on my arm.

"Kara, you sure you're okay?" He asks stopping me in my tracks.

"Yeah, it's just been a wild week. I just need to get used to it." I say laughing and trying to not worry myself or him. Why was I forgetting everything? I'm normally not this bad.

"Okay, well you should get dressed, you know just incase a call comes in." He says slightly pushing me to the department room. I laugh and go that direct as I see him walk over to Alex. I can't quite hear what they are talking about, so I stop trying. I look down at my outfit and realize I was already in my suit under my blouse and he knew that.

"All ready." I tell Alex, Jonn, and Monel as I step into the room separated from the interrogation room, allowing us to watch the suspect. Monel was the only one that smiled while Alex pushed me out the door.

"Okay, remember no smiling, laughing-"

"Alex, I know." I said as I moved towards the door of the actual interrogation room.

"Just making sure. Now let's go get some answers."

We both walk in and I stand on the side as Alex. Alex sits in front of Vexx and I stand not too far behind here, both of us remaining silent.

"Hello ladies." He says in his annoying small voice.

"Why were you hunting down Supergirl?"

"You mean Kara Zorel? Well for money of course."

"What do you mean?" Alex demands. I keep my face still, even though a thousand unanswered questions were running through my mind.

"I am not the one who wants your head. Someone higher up is asking for it."

"That's enough." Alex says hitting the table. Vexx isn't looking at her though, he's looking at me. "Who's paying you?!" She demands, but he doesn't flinch or move, instead his gaze remains fixed on me.

"Aw sweetheart, wish I could tell you." He says finally moving his gaze onto Alex. This gets her even more mad. "I can tell you one thing, though. This minor setback won't keep him away long." Alex starts to form words but instantly stops when the alarm goes off. I look up and then back at them, but all I could see was a mirror.

Alex and I exchange a look and then I watch out the door in silence as she remained questioning him.

"Lock him back up." I tell the agents standing outside the door. They walk in and I see Alex walk towards me. We walk into the cortex and find Monel standing there.

"I called it." Monel says meeting me in the cortex already in his suit.

"You did." I smiled, and we fly into the sky.

We spotted the small fire that was reported. And as we arrive on the scene, we split up. Monel takes the right half of the building while I take the other. Once we have everyone out, I look over to Monel who gives me the okay.

I blow out the fire and once I'm done, I start walking towards him as he stood by the crowd of people.  Suddenly, I hear something come from the building. I stop in my steps and turn to look in the direction of the sound, immediately.

As I fly back into the building, I go search for the sound. I stop on the main floor listening for the sound as piecing of the building begin falling down. I look up and around and as I see a piece coming at a rapid speed towards me, I instinctively go to duck, but I'm too slow. I feel the immediate impact, but then......

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