Chapter 22

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"We have to go back to the DEO." I say walking out of the abandoned warehouse. Monel runs after me and grabs my hand, stopping me in my traces.

"Kara, wait!" He looked so desperate.

"No, Monel! We have 24 hours to save her."

"I'll just hand myself over." He says with his emotions unchanged.

"The hell you will." I say continuing to storm away.

"We need to save Alex and they want me." He said simply. Like it was that simple.

"Monel, you are not leaving me-" I was cut off, and I was glad of it because I could barely think of choosing between Alex or Monel.

"We will find a way to get Alex without giving you up, Monel." J'nn said coming up behind him with Imra beside him. Imra looked just as concerned as Monel was. I shifted my gaze from her to J'nn then landed on Monel.

"What he said." I said just before taking off into the sky.

My mind was circling with so many thoughts. Would these people hurt Alex? Would I be able to save her before my time was up? How did they get into the DEO? How did he even know my real name?

Then, I got there. I landed on the balcony and I saw it all. The DEO was wreck, anything and everything was destroyed. Agents still getting up from the floor, hurt and beaten.

I looked at the scene shocked by what I saw. The others landed beside me and they went running. Each were helping a different agent, taking them to the Medbay and then returning for another. Few agents were unharmed.

Imra ran over to two agents that were unconscious and laying on the floor. Monel ran over to Winn who was slowing standing. Everyone seemed okay, somewhat. I walked past everyone and went to the cells. I wanted to know how the ninja had gotten out.

I walked in and saw no one in sight, but then I saw blood. As I started questioning where it had come from, I heard something, a whimper. I ran over the cell and I saw him.

"Supergirl" The invisible man was laying there barely being able to move. Winn had given him something that kept him disappearing. He was laying there with blood circulated all around him.

"What happened?!" I said kneeling down and trying to stop the blood from pooling out of his abdomen. I was looking at his frantic, and unsure how else to help him. He was dying, the cut was too deep, and I knew if I moved him I'd be useless, it wouldn't help, it'd just bring him more pain.

"It was Vexx. He knew that I had told you everything." I looked at him with sympathy. He had helped us, and we let him get killed here, in the DEO.

"I'm so sorry." I said as a tear ran down my face. I wanted to help him for his assistance and yet I couldn't. There was nothing to do now, but be with him for the remaining minutes he had. "I... I"

"It's alright. You have made me better."

"But, it's my fault." I held my sob in the back of my throat.

"No, it's my fault. I should have never agreed to help him."

"WE should have protected you. You helped us and this is what happened." I couldn't stop crying. Everyone around me was getting hurt and for what? Maybe I was the problem?

"You have helped me, Supergirl. You have made me a better person." He looked at me with such remorse and then squeezed my hand once more. "Thank you." I reached down and placed my finger against his neck. I felt no pulse. I closed his eyes and stood up, letting his body softly rest on the ground. I saw Monel in the doorway. He walked into the entrance of the cell and stood beside me.

"He's gone." I feltmore tears run down my face. Then, Monel stepped closer to me. I wrapped myarms around him as he rubbed my back. I sobbed into his arm for what seemedlike forever.

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