Chapter 1- The Start

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(Y/N)- Your Name      (L/N)- Last Name

Today was the day. It was the day of the volleyball tournament, and Shoyo was going to be playing in it. I was sitting in the stands, waiting for his team to play. It wasn't a big team. It was just him, our two friends, and a few first years. Ever since he saw the little giant on tv, he wished to be like him. This is what awakened his love for volleyball, and I was happy for him. He's always wanted to play in a actual game, and here he is now. I can just see how excited he was from where I was sitting. He's nervous, I can tell, but he really is happy to finally be able to play. I knew that their opponent was Kitagawa Daiichi, but that's about all I know. I don't know a lot about Volleyball or about the other teams. Because of that, I don't know what to expect from the opposing team.

Speaking of which, here they are now. When I first laid eyes on them, I start to feel both nervous and worried. 'Th-they're huge!' Not only that, but they also looked intimidating. 'Will Shoyo's team be alright?..' I don't want to admit it, but his team isn't exactly the best. Kitagawa Daiichi on the other hand are not only tall, but they also looked like they're really good. 'This can't be good...' I watched as both teams warmed up and began their game, and just as I feared, Shoyo's team wasn't doing so good. Even so, he stayed determined. Shoyo had been practicing for this day. He worked hard and managed to convince our friends and the first years to play with him. He did all he could to get here, and he wasn't going to give up.

However, the game continued with the other team far in the lead. The spikes he attempted to make, end up getting blocked. Speaking of the other team, I couldn't help but take notice of their setter. Honestly, I feel a little bad for the other members. That setter of theirs just keeps bossing them around and was being too demanding. 'He's good but... It's like he's playing by himself.' Something happened that caught me by surprise though. It was something he said when his teammate didn't make an effort to receive the ball, resulting in Shoyo earning a point. I couldn't hear exactly what they were talking about but I think he was scolding him for not trying. Then I heard it.

"That guy! He scored a genuine point!" He said this loud enough for me to hear. 

My eyes widened. 'He acknowledged him...' He acknowleged that Shoyo at least tries, when his own teammate doesn't. 'That guy...' I don't know his name, but for some reason I have a feeling that he's going to be important. But why?

The game continued on, and so did Shoyo's determination. They haven't lost yet, and that's what mattered to him right now. He wasn't ready to give up, and he showed it when he did something that not only surprised Kitagawa Daiich, but myself as well. Up until now, I wasn't too big on sports. That changed when I saw Shoyo go for a spike, and he looked like he was flying. Unfortunately, it ended up being an out, resulting in his teams loss. I felt bad that they lost, but my eyes still didn't tear away from him. I was amazed.

"King of the court, huh..." I looked towards the voice I heard beside me and saw three high schoolers.

"Huh?" I whispered to myself.

Another one spoke. "He's going to be a difficult opponent when he starts high school." 

"My money's on that little guy." The last one spoke after him.

They turned to walk away. When they did, I was able to get a look at the back of their jackets and what they said. It read Karasuno High Volleyball Club. I felt my eyes widen. 'That's the school Shoyo wants to go to! These guys are also members of the volleball team.' I thought to myself for a moment. 'If they aren't third years this year and Shoyo joins the team, then they could be his future teammates.' My thoughts were put to a stop when one of them seemingly felt my gaze and turned to look at me. 

"Hm? Need something?"

I grew alarmed and my face flushed a little in embarrassment. "I-Im so sorry! I-I didn't mean to stare, it's just..." I took a moment to calm myself before continuing. I just noticed that your from Karasuno. My friend and I are planning on going to that school." I gave a small smile.

I saw the guy with the shaved head stare at me. "Kouhai... Cute..." He murmured.

The grey haired guy shook his head and gave me a warm smile. "I see, and is your friend planning on joining the volleyball team next year?"

"Y-yes! He is."

The guy with the dark hair spoke up. "Well its nice to hear that someone plans to join our team, I'll be looking forward to meeting them next year. Perhaps I'll be seeing you around. My name is Sawamura Daichi, I'm going to be the captain next year.

"It's nice to meet you senpai! I'm (L/N) (Y/N)." I say, bowing to him.

He gave a laugh and ruffled my hair. "It's nice to meet you too. Why don't you come to the gym with your friend to say hi when he comes to sign up?"

I gave him a nod and a smile. "Yes, I'll do that."

"Well, we better be heading off." Said the gray haired guy, and with that, they left.

(Time Skip)

I head out of the building with Shoyo and our two friends. One of them spoke up after a bit of silence. "What did you expect? They're candidates for the nationals." 

After mentioning them, they appeared nearby. It was silent again for a second before Shoyo spoke. "It doesn't matter if they're strong or weak, the bottom line is whether we win or lose, and if we lose, we're off the court for good."

"Shoyo..." I quietly called his name.

He turned to me and gave me a small smile before running down the steps, catching me and the other two by surprise. He called out to the setter of the team they just went up against.

"You..." The tall, black haired boy turned to look at Shoyo. "If you're the king that rules the court, I'll have to defeat you, and I'll be the last one standing!" He had tears streaming down his cheeks when he said this, and I felt my heart tighten at the sight. I never did like it when he cried.

The setter looked at him in surprise for a second before he put on a serious face. "The last ones standing are the victors. Only the strongest. If you want to be the last one standing, become strong." They stared at each other for a bit before the setter walked away.

Me and the other two ran down the stairs towards Shoyo. Once we reached him, he bowed down. "Thank you for today."

The guys standing beside me started crying. "D-dumbass. You don't have to thank us." Said Koji.

Shoyo and I both looked at him with confused looks. "Why are you crying Koji?" We both asked.

"I'm not crying." He responded.

(Time Skip)

After that day, Shoyo began training for when we go to high school. He trained, and we graduated. Here we are now, riding our bikes to Karasuno as first years. When we arrived, Shoyo started dragging me, and was running past all the clubs that were searching for new members. "Sh-Shoyo, please slow down!" We were making our way towards the gym that the volleyball club was located.

He just laughed. "Haha! But I can't wait (Y/N)! We're here at Karasuno. I'm going to train a lot, and then, against the king..." He let go of my hand and leaped through the door as he finished his sentence. "I'll get my revenge!"

I was going to laugh at his antics if it wasn't for who I saw in the gym. 'He isn't going to like this...'

I could tell I was right by the look on his face when he also saw him. "Wh-why are you here?!" He shouted in alarm, startling the boy. 

The boy that stood before us was the former setter of Kitagawa Daiichi...

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