End 8: Bokuto: A Trip to Remember

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That's right, I'm going on a small trip. And the author has the slight feeling you would know where it is we're going, just from me mentioning 'trip.'

It's honestly not going to be much of a trip. We were leaving for the weekend to see family in Tokyo. They recently moved there, so we're there to celebrate the move with them. Of course I'm happy and excited to see them since it has been a while, but I'm also excited about one other thing.

Bokuto lives in Tokyo. In fact he lived somewhere nearby where my family live. How do I know that? He told me himself for if I ever do go to Tokyo for some reason. So basically he told me in case of something like this happening. However, I don't think I'll tell him I'm here yet. Make it a little bit of a surprise, and besides, I'm here to see family so they come first.

At least that's what I would say. "(Y/N), you didn't tell me you were here!" Standing before me was a wide eyed owl with a big and excited grin on its face. And apparently it's an owl who never learns its lesson. "Now this is a pleasant surprise!" He cheers as he wraps his arms tightly around me.


He immediately pulls away, rubbing his bitten arm while I casually respond to him. "I was going to tell you at a later time. I'm with family right now." All of us decided to eat out together and were about to head back to their new place. Speaking of family, they were just watching us with slight surprise, probably from the fact that a random person came up, hugged me, and I bit them.

My mother was the first one to snap out of her shock. She sighed with a shake of her head. "(Y/N), how many times have I got to tell you not to bite people..?" Usually I would get a harsher scolding from her, but I've done it so many time, that she's most likely started to give up.

With a smile back on his face he gives my family a thumbs up. "Don't worry I'm used to it!" They just sweat dropped at this.

They all had the same thought. 'That doesn't sound good...'

"I'm Bokuto Kotaro." He introduces himself to them.

"Bokuto?" My mom thought about it for a second before she claps her hands together and smiles in realization. "Oh! (Y/N) has told me a lot about you."

He just smiles and looks curiously. "She has?" 

"Okay, no need to talk about that." I said, butting in.

My mom turns to me. "I know we're here to see family, but we'll just be spending time at the house for the rest of the day. You can hang out with your 'friend' for a while, but please come back before it gets dark." 

I sent her a grateful smile and Bokuto did a salute. "And I'll be sure to escort her back!" He then stops himself for a second though and turns to look at me. "You know were you need to be right?" 

I sigh but smile as I pat him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I do."

"Well then, we'll be seeing you later. Have fun you two." My mother said as she and the rest of my family went on there way back to the new house, chatting along the way.

We watched them go for a second before Bokuto turns to me. So I guess it's just the two of us now." He said with his hands on his hips, his usual smile on his face. "You still should've told me you were coming."

I sigh and rub the back of my neck. "I was going to surprise you at a later time."

He puts an arm around my shoulder. "You still surprised me. I thought I was seeing things earlier when I first saw you, but nope! There you were!" He laughs out loud.

I nervously laugh with him, when he suddenly started walking with his arm still around me, which brought me along with him. "Bokuto, where are we going?"

"You've been here before but I assume you haven't been around the city." He then points a thumb to himself with a proud look on his face. "This guy here shall show you around some places!"

"That's great, and I hope we don't get lost." I said sweat dropping.

"No worries, no worries."

(Time Skip)

He says that, but just the opposite happens. "Eh? Haven't we been here before?" He says as he looks around with his wide eyes.

"Yeah..." I sighed. I took out my phone to check the time. A frown appears on my face. "It's almost time for me to return."

A look of panic spreads across his face. "Already?! But it didn't feel like it's been that long!"

I took a moment to look at our surroundings. "I don't know where we are, so I'll have to call someone to pick me up. We still have a little bit of time, so we can stop somewhere."

His eyes light up at my words and he quickly looked around to find a place, and his eyes landed on a nearby cafe. He pointed at it. "How about there? We can get drinks."

I looked over to where he was pointing. It was a small place, but it looked nice. I nodded my head at his suggestion. "Sounds good to me."

We went inside, got a seat and our drinks and started chatting. It went like that for a little while before I got a message from a family member and saw their car waiting somewhere out front. I sighed sadly. "Looks like it's time for me to leave."

Just like earlier, he started to freak out. "But you can't go! You don't live here so I wouldn't see you for a while!"

I turn to him, about to reassure him. "Hey, I'll still be-"

He suddenly brought me into a hug. "No, don't goooo! I love you!" Wow, dramatic much.

You would have thought that I would've bitten him by now, but I was so caught off guard from the hug, and obviously from his sudden confession, that I was frozen in shock. It didn't take long for me to snap out of it and a laugh escaped me.

He pulled away from me, a really confused look on his face. "(Y/N)?"

"Don't be silly, I was about to tell you that I'll see you tomorrow." Me and my parents were planning on spending the night at my family's before going home tomorrow night. 

He looked away embarrassed. "Well, now this is awkward."

I shook my head and smirked. When he was about to pull even further away from me, I pulled him down to my level and stole a kiss from him. I let go to see that his face was red, though mine was probably equally as red. "So, will I see you tomorrow?"

Looking as though he was in a daze, he nodded his head. I gave him another kiss on the cheek before exiting the cafe. I laugh to myself when I heard sudden loud cheering from a certain someone, along with some shushing noising coming from the employees. This was surely a trip to remember.


Hitoka (NOT Hisoka)

Some people misread Hitoka's name, which I find funny. Whenever I read through a chapter I just finished writing to edit it for misspellings and grammar, I sometimes think I accidently wrote Hisoka by accident.

Coincidently though, did you know that he and Oikawa have the same Japanese voice actor?

Coincidently though, did you know that he and Oikawa have the same Japanese voice actor?

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