Chapter 36- Once More with Seijoh

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I'm eager to get this fanfic done. So I'm going to try to make the matches short, basically try to just sum them up as quick and short as possible. The endings will take place after the Shiratorizawa match.

Our next match was determined on who would win in a match between Date Tech and Aoba Johsai. It was a good match between the two teams, but in the end, it was Aoba Johsai who won. Angelina felt a little conflicted. Sure she's goes to Aoba Johsai and is on their team, but her boyfriend was on the Date Tech team. Once the match was over she went to cheer up Futakuchi. Meanwhile, Karasuno was preparing for their upcoming match against Seijoh.

When the match started, Angelina wasn't with us. Even though it was her school's match she wanted to spend some time Futakuchi. She will come at some point during the match, just not yet. There was something that Caught my attention. It seemed like Seijoh had gotten a new member of the team. 'He looks intimidating...'

"(Y/N)!" Saeko called out my name when Hitoka and I came back to the bleachers. 

"Eek!" I cried out. And may the suffocating begin. When she final let go I let out a gasp for breath. "Ugh... Please stop..." I actually started to feel a little woozy.

Thankfully, Hitoka was there to catch me. "A-are you okay (Y/N)?" 

"I let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah I am now. Thank you." I say before hugging her. 

Her cheeks flush really red. "I-its' no p-problem!"

At the start of the match, both of the teams' scores were about the same. Towards the end of the first set, the new player on the Aoba Johsai team that I noticed earlier had got switched in. "Hey it's the new player." I spoke aloud.

Hitoka turned towards me with a confused look. "He's new?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah. He wasn't at previous matches before so he must be." He only played a little bit, but I could already tell that he was going to be trouble. Luckily for us though, we were able to get the final point we needed to win the set. But who knows what might happen in the second one.

The second set started out with Seijoh in the lead. That new player, he kept on getting point after point. I was so focused on the match that I almost didn't notice Angelina returning to us. "Oh! Your back. How is he?" I asked.

She sighs. "He's still upset, but that's to be expected. He headed home." She looks down at the court. "So he's playing huh?"

"You know the new member?" I ask her.

She nods her head. "Yeah, as you already know he joined the team not that long ago. His name is Kyotani Kentaro. He's a second year. He's a really good volleyball player." Right as she says that, he attempted to spike when he would easily be blocked because he didn't want to do any other sort of attack. Angelina stared at him for a second before saying anything. "Although I don't think he's the brightest."

At the end of the set, Seijoh won. Now we have to play a third set. Whoever wins this one, will win. Just like in the second set, Seijoh was once again in the lead. However, we managed to catch up.

Both teams continued to fight with everything they got. One team wins. One team loses. That's how this works in the end.

Karasuno claimed victory. We won with the final set being 26-24. There were cheers echoing around the building. Angelina and I faced each other. Instead of shaking hands like last time. We hugged. "Good game." I said

"Yeah. Good game." She said before letting go. She sighs before putting her hands on her hips and smiles. "Your team better beat Shiratorizawa! I don't want your team beating mine only to not win against them."

A determined look spread across my face. "That's what we're aiming for. We won't lose!"

Holy frick this is the shortest chapter I wrote! 

Anyhoot the next chapter will be the Shiratorizawa match. Then after that is the endings.

 Then after that is the endings

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