Chapter 11- Training Camp

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Golden week training camp! It is here and everyone is ready for it. I headed to school with Shoyo like I do every morning and had volleyball practice like we usually do, but this time with Nishinoya and Asahi! After practice, instead of heading home, everyone made their way to the place where the boys will be spending the next few nights for the camp. Right now, Shoyo was all over the place acting all amazed at everything he sees.

Kageyama and I were nearby watching him. I laughed at his behavior, he looked really excited and happy. Kageyama on the other hand seemed a little annoyed at him. "You need to calm down." He told him. 

Shoyo didn't care that Kageyama was annoyed at him, he continued smiling. "But this is my first time at a training camp."

I nodded my head, agreeing with Shoyo. "It is sort of exciting in a way."

Tsukishima was walking around nearby and looked our way with a displeased look on his face. "I have to hang all day with this slovenly bunch? What's so fun about that?" 

I start to feel a bit irritated at his words. I sighed. 'Calm down (Y/N) don't get angry.' I don't usually get angry, or at least easily, but Tsukishima's attitude is making trying to stay calm a little difficult. Not much a surprise though since we're talking about someone who can easily rile up some of the guys in the club.

"Tsukishima, you bastard..." And speaking of riled up, here is Tanaka.

"Kiyoko-san and (Y/N) are within a 500 meter radius of us! How can that be so slovenly?!" Oh, Nishinoya is also here.

"How pitiful that you can't understand how refreshing this space is!" Tanaka said.

Suga, who had been watching for a while spoke up. "Shimizu's home is nearby, so she's not staying here."

Looks of horror had spread across the two boy's faces. They then looked towards me looking hopeful. I felt a bit bad for what I'm about to say to them but... "I'm going to be spending the night with Kiyoko at her place. Sorry..." And that was the killing blow to Nishinoya and Tanaka.

Shoyo looked at the two of them and then to me. "Eeeehhh. I wish you would stay with us... It would be like one of our many sleepovers. We should have one after camp!" He said with a big smile, and I too smiled and nodded my head at his idea. Little did the two of us know, that the other guys were staring our way when they heard Shoyo's words.

"That sounds fun, let's do that. I'll get going now. Oh! But first..." I was about to get going to the kitchen to help Kiyoko and Takeda-sensei with the cooking but stopped when I remembered something. I took something out of my bag and gave it to Shoyo. "I almost forgot to give this to you." The item I gave him was my journal, it was where I would write stories. I've liked writing them since I was a little girl.

His eyes went wide with excitement and he excepted it in his hands gratefully. "Your journal! Thanks!" Shoyo had always liked to read the stories I wrote and he asked if he could have my journal to read for whenever there is free time during camp. I told him goodbye and made my way to the kitchen.

Once I was gone, Tanaka approached him looking upset. "Hinata you bastard!" Said boy flinched, startled. "You've been having sleepovers with (Y/N)." He clenched his fist and looked like he was about to cry, he was acting dramatic. "You're so lucky! I want a sleepover with my cute kohai! Damn you!"

Nishinoya was also upset about this, and he would join in with his friend if it wasn't for his curiosity in the journal that was given to Shoyo. "What's with the journal she's given you? It belongs to her right?"

Shoyo held it up happily. "It's filled with short stories that (Y/N) wrote, I wanted to read some so she gave it to me."

Eyes widened at this fact, so (Y/N) liked to write then huh? A smile grew on Nishinoya's face. "That's cool! Hey, can I read some of them?" He asked reaching out to take the journal.

But Shoyo pulled it back and held it tightly against his chest. "No you can't!" Eyes widened even more at his reaction. Sure they were expecting the possible no for an answer, but not a reaction this strong from him. Shoyo looked down at the journal in his hands with fondness and with a gentle smile on his face. "(Y/N) doesn't feel comfortable with people reading her writing, but she lets me read them. I'm the only one who has read them, so it's kinda special you could say." He carefully places it in his bag. "Sorry but (Y/N) would be very upset if anyone else were to read it."

 (In the Kitchen)

Kiyoko and I were chatting as we cooked, excited for our little sleepover. We were going to head over to her place after dinner with the guys. You were talking about what the two of you could do together. You both would have to go to bed early though since you would have to wake up early to head to where the team was staying and help fix breakfast, so it had to be a small activity.

Takeda-sensei was about to leave the kitchen, but when he opened the door he was caught by the sight of Tanaka and Nishinoya crawling on the ground. "What are you guys doing?" He asked nervously.

Tanaka raises up a hand towards him. "Take-chan... we can't... go on..." The poor duo. First they learned that Kiyoko wasn't going to be staying with them, then (Y/N) wasn't either, learned and got jealous of the fact of both her and Shoyo had sleepovers, and then they weren't allowed to read her journal. Now they felt like death was approaching them and couldn't go on.

Kiyoko and I had plates in our hands, ready to take them out to the dining area when we saw the loud duo laying helplessly on the floor. We both tilted our heads in confusion at the sight of them and they both seemed like they came back to life when they saw us. 'What in the world were those two up to?' You questioned in your head.

You brought the food to the dining area, where everyone was at and they all made their plates. Shoyo was happily eating away at the delicious food while reading the journal I gave him. He was carefully flipping the pages and made sure not to get it ruined as he ate. It made me happy to see him handling it with care. Tsukishima caught my eye however when he made his way behind Shoyo. My eyes narrowed a bit in suspicion. What was he planning to do? 

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