Chapter 38- The Final Match and Now... (Part 2)

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I would like to thank everyone who recommended the different websites to me! I only ever knew of and used kissanime and crunchyroll. 

The end of the second set brought forth the start of the third. It started out with a serve from our team, by the captain himself. However it resulted in the ball being received and Shiratorizawa immediately scored the first point. I grew worried again. It's like they're not effected or worried that we won the second set. They're so determined to win. But then again, so were we.

However, even if our team was filled with strong determination, it wasn't enough, at least for this set. I was once again ruffling my hair, about ready to pull it out. I was starting to feel even more stressed then I was before. 'We were doing well before. What happened?' I questioned myself. We won the second set and even though we lost the first one, at least we were close in score. But this time... "Wh-Whaaaaaaat?? 25-18?" I stuttered out.

I could tell that Hitoka was also worried, since she was really shaking. "Th-th-this is b-bad. The gap is so b-b-big." 

'Her stuttering is worse then mine!' I stared at her in shock.

Angelina had an uneasy look on her face. "Uh, come on you two the game isn't over yet." She pats us both on the shoulder. "Don't lose hope! Your team could still win this!"

"Ugh, I get what your saying but I can't help but feel upset about this bad set..." I let out a deep sigh.

Saeko turned to me. "Huh? What's this? That's no good!" She grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to look at her. "You're much more adorable when your smiling. So smile!"

I sweat dropped at her. "Um, I guess I could try..."

"Not good enough!" She then seemed to have gotten an idea. With the look she now has on her face, it's not going to be a good one on my part so I slowly start to back away with her inching closer to me. "If your having trouble smiling on your own, then maybe one of my special hugs can cheer you up. They're sure to bring a smile on your face!"

'That's just going to stress me out more!' I then started to try to avoid her.

She pouted. "Aw come on (Y/N)! Let Saeko-nee give you hug, it will make you feel better."

I gave her a irritated look. "No! Do not!" I then proceeded to hide behind Hitoka and Angelina..

"(Y-Y/N)?!" Hitoka stuttered out with a red face while Angelina just chuckled nervously. Unfortunately for me, that did no help as Saeko managed to get me. I was then tortured from tight hugs and suffocated from her twin melons. Ugh.

Still on their slight break on the court, Noya noticed what was happening and turned to his friend. "Ryu! Your sister is killing (Y/N)!" Tanaka turned to the stands where he saw his sister let go of a suffocated (Y/N) who fell backwards into the arms of her foreigner friend. Meanwhile, his sister proceeded to try to 'cheer up' Hitoka as well.

"Saeko don't kill the managers!" 

Now on with the game and the start of the fourth set. Even though the first serve went to Shiratorizawa, luckily it was an out. So we automatically got the first point and got to serve. They were able to receive the ball and Wakatoshi went in for the spike. However, thanks to Tsukishima and Asahi, they managed to get him to spike towards where Nishinoya was at. A smiled formed on my face when he managed to receive it successfully.

At some point during the game, we were talking about the synchronized attack that failed. "It wasn't certain that they wouldn't attack on the right, but the chances of them forcefully going toward the right were low." One of the guys with us explained. Then all of us suddenly heard a voice speak behind us.

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