Chapter 6- Aoba Josai

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(Time Skip)

After a crazy bus ride, we've finally arrived at Aoba Josai. Shoyo was apologizing to Tanaka for throwing up on him. Luckily he was forgiven. 'Poor Shoyo, he's really nervous and the stress is getting to him...' I thought to myself.

I assumed that he was going to be alright now, but apparently Tanaka ended up making things worse by telling him that we're counting on him. Now there he goes, making his way to the bathroom with another upset stomach. I couldn't help but sigh and shake my head.

Kageyama shot an angry look in his direction. "There he goes again. How pathetic. I'm going to knock some sense into him." He said as he rolled up his sleeves.

In alarm, Sugawara grabbed onto him in order to stop him. Daichi and I looked towards each other in concern.

(Time Skip)

We were making our way to the gym for the practice match when we heard some voices. "Oh yeah, and there's a riffraff kind of guy there, too. He's got a shaved head, and an unpleasant look in his eyes. He looks real stupid."

With that, Tanaka went up ahead to confront them. I could only assume that he was making a face at them since he was staring at them in silence and the two players were freaked out. Kageyama and Tsukishima also went up ahead to where they were at in an attempt to intimidate them while I stood back with Daichi.

After a short while, Daichi ran over to where they were at in anger and I ran after him. "You guys! I can't let you out of my sight!"

After giving them an apology we started to leave when one of the guys called out to Kageyama. "It's been a while, King."

'Oh gosh... this is one of his old teammates isn't it?' I thought to myself.

He continued. "What sort of dictatorship do you belong to these days? I'm looking forward to seeing it in the match."

With an 'intimidating' look on his face again, Tanaka was about to confront the two once more if Daichi hadn't held him back. I couldn't blame him, I was a bit upset too. I put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He looked over to me when he felt my touch and calmed down a bit, giving me a small thanks.

We then all looked over towards Kageyama when he just gave a yeah. The two players gave him a shocked look while Tanaka and Sugawara, who came out of no where, both gave him hard slaps on the back.

I laughed and he gave me a disapproving look. "Why are you laughing? That hurt." He didn't really seem offended, he just sounded like he was teasing by pretending to be offended.

I decided to tease back. "Come on, your a big tough boy."

"Hmph." He gave a small smirk while I continued to laugh.

I turned back to look at the two players and one of them, the one who I assumed to be one of Kageyama's old teammates, was watching our exchange with wide eyes. I guess he's never seen him interact with anyone like this considering Kageyama's reputation with his old team. They both noticed that I was looking right back at them and I just stuck my tongue out at them with a smirk. They both went wide eyed and there cheeks... went red? Maybe they're either embarrassed that I noticed them watching us or they're a little angry at what I just did. Well, whatever. To the gym we go!

(Time Skip)

When we made it to gymnasium 3, Shoyo didn't seem to be doing any better. He was still super nervous, even throughout the game. This affected the game in a negative way for Karasuno. We were falling behind our opponent and now it was Shoyo's turn to serve.

'Come on Shoyo! You can do it!' Unfortunately he didn't do a good serve and instead he hit Kageyama in the back of the head. 'Oh gosh...'

The now extremely angered Kageyama made his way over to the nervously shaking boy and started asking him questions. "Why are you so intimidated? Why are you so nervous? Is it because the opponents are tall? Is it because this is your first practice match?" Shoyo didn't say anything back and instead he was sweating bullets. Kageyama continued as he raised a hand to the back of his own head. "There's nothing scarier than hitting a serve into the back of my head... is there?"

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