Chapter 1

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"You little shit of a daughter!" It was my father who bombarded the house with his insulting voice. "You have done nothing but be a burden to this house."

He was always like that. As far as I have remembered, he started insulting me when mom left us. 

Who would have blamed her though right? Living with someone as shitty as my father would only bring suffering. Ever since he lost his job because of a workmates jealousy, he never got lucky again in landing himself a job to support the family. Months after that he began drowning himself with vices. His body was never alcohol free since then.

As for my mom, since she knew that the expenses were skyrocketing month after month, she took it as a get go to find a job to support us. Luckily, she got accepted to a well known restaurant in the country. Since my mother had exquisite culinary skills she was easily promoted that also paved way for her to get to know the head chef of the facility.

As months went by, changes in my mother's priority was visible. This enraged my father knowing that my mother had become evasive towards his advances. And his ego problem added up as he knew that as the head of the family he should be the one who should be supporting us. After which, he began hitting on her everytime she evade him and everytime she went home past the usual hour of her time off.

My father was a prick. And that did not end there, he began speculating that my mom was always late because she was having an affair. And time after time my mom denied it stating that she was in demand these days as the restaurant was usually packed.

As I was young that time, I did not understand the nightly bickering of my parents. I have only known for it to be normal. Until those nightly bickering had ended. 

That was the sign that my mom had left. She left without even me knowing that she did until I only realized that she was not there anymore.

And it had been years since she was gone. As a result, it was me who suffered. Every night that my father was hammered, it was me that was battered. Bruises after bruises were showing up in my body. 

And tonight was just another scenario of his prickly ways. But I have enough of it. I had planned to run off tonight once sleep is evident to my father's frailly body.

As he was sleeping, I grabbed by bag and went off. I am never looking back. This would be the point that I would be riven out from my family who brought nothing but worthless memories to my existence.


It has been days since I left the loathsome place. But, I suffered more as cash was not present within. I had nothing to eat and nowhere to stay. 

However, I suffered more the night after. I thought the person that I met who wanted to offer a roof  under my head was someone that I could deeply trust but it was the other way around.

Jimin brought me to the syndicate. The ones who kidnaps unsheltered children and forces them to do labor for the organization.

The main objective was to assist in illegal works, they believed that children were easier to monitor than adults. Children were only needed to be fed and does not demand more unlike adults.

I thought everything would be fine by then. I mean I had a place to stay in and food to suffice a hungry stomach. 

However, there was more... Months after my so called serene stay I became observant with the other children that I work with. I came to notice that some who were ordered to do outside jobs were not able to go back. I decided to ask one of the older kids who is most likely to know what is happening.

"Uhmm.. Excuse me?"


"I was just wondering. Do you have any idea what happen to the others?" 

As if he was contemplating on what to say. But he pulled me to a corner that where no one could hear us.

"As you have noticed most of the girls are disappearing one by one. It is because the syndicate that we are in are also known for selling children to adults who would want them." I was beyond shock to what he said. "As for us boys we are rarely sold unless there are people who would really want to buy one."

He looked at me for a second and continue.

"It would be best if you leave. But do it fast make sure they would not see or you would be good as dead to them."

I nodded understandingly to his words. And decided tonight would be the best way to do so as there is a scheduled shipment for sure everyone be busy.

Later that night

As everyone were minding their own tasks, I decided to sneak at the back door hoping that no one was there.

And praise the world I was lucky that night. No guards were in the perimeter.

Before I left I heard some rumbles of people that was searching for me.

I did what I needed to do and bolted out of the premises as fast as I could.

' Where do I go from here?' was the question left in mind

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