Chapter 19

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I called for a family meeting as soon as Jennie's plane had landed back to Seoul.

I wanted to secure the loyalty of the main family to Jendeuk. Being the overall head, her safety should always be our number one priority.

"Ms. Jisoo, everyone is ready and are currently waiting in the conference room."

"And Lady Kim?"

"She had just arrive Miss."

I nodded and proceeded to meet Jennie at the entrance.

As soon as she saw me, she ran and engulfed me in a hug. I also made eye contact with Lisa giving her a grateful look to which she shook her head as if saying that it was nothing.


"Jen, you need to be strong okay? The main family is already in the conference room."

"Do we really need to discuss this to them. Even though we are family I can't seem to trust the others unnie."

"This would be the best way in knowing their loyalty Jendeuk."

She only nodded. Before we went to the meeting, I instructed Lisa to wait at the lobby as I would personally drive her and Jennie home after the meeting.

Third Person

As the girls presence were felt all eyes turned their way. Amidst the traumatic encounter that Jennie had she put on a facade to cover up her frontal image. She gave everyone a stern nod and proceeded to take her seat

Jisoo was the one who commenced the meeting. She started off in discussing the news about the brothers and how they suddenly made their presence known.

She also narrated the incident regarding Jennie's encounter with them in the recent event attended by the lady.

"Shouldn't Jennie just step down from her current position? To ensure her safety and to divert the lunatics attention."

"We all know that would not be possible. Once Lady Kim steps down from her position she would be banned from the main family especially that her successor is not directly related to her bloodline. She would be able to that if her successor would be her child." Jisoo explained.

"So are you suggesting that the other members would highly prioritize Lady Kim's security by means of giving off theirs?"

"It is not what I said. What I was explaining was to prepare you guys for the upcoming incident that might arrive knowing how those brothers are. And should be ready to aid each other if ever that would occur. And regarding Lady Kim's security you don't need to sacrifice yourselves but rather ready yourselves to help."

Jisoo and Jennie both saw how selfish these punks are. Even though Jisoo had not said anyyhing regarding the matter, these fools openly throw their accusations. It just shows how much they are not willing to sacrifice for someone of their own. Now that their true colors have shown, the cousins knew that they can do nothing about it and would most likely lean unto each other regarding this matter.

Jisoo was personally worried if her current connections would be enough to protect Jennie. Even though they are not sisters Jisoo had always treated Jennie as one same as Jennie. And keeping each other safe will always be their priority.

The meeting ended with everyone agreeing to support each other in drastic cases. As everyone left, Jennie looked at her cousin who had always been there for her. Jisoo was wearing a worried expression because even though the main family agreed for support it would not be enough if those punks are not loyal.

Jennie squeezed Jisoo's hand on their way out gaining the older's attention.

"We would be fine unnie." And gave her unnie a small smile.

Jisoo immediately embraced Jennie. And whispered "if they would not be there on important matters, you still have me Jen"

"As you have me unnie"

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