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A/N: This is an Ereri/Riren Hospital AU and don't worry, it's super cute and fluffy but still has plot (at least I think so). 

Disclaimer: I don't own SNK or any of its characters. And now, on with the story~

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"That was so much fun, Levi!" Isabel laughed and bumped her best friend on the shoulder. A corner of Levi's mouth curled up in what resembled a smile as he listened to her excited voice ranting about the party they'd just come from.

"We should do that more often," Farlan agreed. They'd spent most of the night at a party down in the nicer section of the neighborhood and now they were heading back to Isabel's house. They'd left right as the others were breaking out the alcohol, but Isabel and Levi had shared a Pepsi, apparently making them unfit for driving according to Farlan, so he took the wheel. They were now going back to Isabel's for an impromptu sleepover and "studying" for their physics test Monday (which they were totally going to fail). But of course, first they had had to crash the frat boys' party, because as Isabel claimed, it would be the "time of their life".

"Did you have fun, Levi?" Isabel asked the other boy, who was sitting beside her in the backseat of Farlan's impeccably clean Audi.

A smile crossed the normally stoic boy's face. "Yeah. I had a good time."

These were moments that were going to be frozen in his memory for the rest of his life; Isabel's flushed cheeks, the hum of the Audi as they moved down the road, Farlan's wide smile, Isabel's short red pigtails bouncing on her shoulders and Farlan's sparkling gray eyes. All of them still full of adrenaline from the party before, only to have that excitement turn into horror as another car came speeding around the turn and slammed into the Audi.

There was the horrible shriek of metal scraping against metal as the car crumpled, and Isabel's scream and Farlan and Levi's exclamations of pain and surprise. The people in the other car were shouting and there was a lot of panic and commotion, but all Levi could think was, this is the end, as pain consumed him and he fell into darkness.


"Get them into the ER!"

"The girl needs surgery, stat!"

"We need a blood transfusion over here! Type A+!"

Levi's mind barely processed this as he stared at the blurred objects floating over him in a daze. Voices were surrounding him, pressing in as they shouted, suffocating. Where were Isabel and Farlan? Why weren't they here?

"We need to get his ICP down or else he'll need immediate surgery." The voice came from right above him, and Levi blinked a couple of times to try to focus his vision, only succeeding in making sharp daggers of pain drive into his skull over and over again.

"Wait, he's waking up!"

"It's going up!" Another voice called, and there was a rush of commotion around Levi and suddenly he was moving, away from the voices until there were only a few remaining surrounding him. The pressure in his head increased, and he slowly lost his grip on consciousness and spiraled into the dark.


"This one's bad," Erwin said, looking over the body of the young boy on the surgery table. He was hooked up to an IV feeding blood into his arm. There were gashes all over his torso, and shards of glass and metal were still imbedded in his stomach. When Erwin looked closely, he thought he could see the boy's intestines. He shuddered a little and snapped authoritatively. "Identification?"

"Farlan Church, age 20, male," Mike said from behind him.

"Alright, get to work," Erwin said, "Make sure you get all the shards out. We have to be careful with his stomach open like that."

The team nodded, and Erwin left the room as they pulled masks over their faces and got to work. The car crash had been terrible. The other car, filled with drunken gang members of the notorious group that called themselves the "Titans" had slammed into the car of the three people currently in surgery. Most of the Titans had been killed, a few had sustained minor injuries, and the rest were currently spending the night in jail.

The girl, Isabel, was definitely in the worst shape; her whole torso had been crushed, breaking all her ribs and one of them puncturing a lung. The other boy, Levi, had severely high ICP that had to be brought down quickly or he'd probably die. And Farlan's entire torso had been torn up by flying shrapnel.

Isabel and Farlan were the least likely to survive, because their injuries were more severe than the broken leg and brain swelling Levi had suffered. However, the brain swelling could be a serious problem later on…they'd probably have to keep him under watch for a while before they could let him go. A small smile grew on Erwin's face. If Levi did survive, he knew just where to put him.

Suddenly, there was the sudden flatlining of a heart monitor, and shouting erupted from behind the closed doors. The doctor turned around and burst back into the room. It was chaos; doctors and nurses were running around. Several of them were trying to use the defibrillator to bring Farlan back to life, but Erwin could tell it wasn't working. Mike bowed his head and reported solemnly, "Patient: Farlan Church. Time of death: 2:04 a.m."

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BTW, ICP stands for inter-cranial pressure, and I got all of this medical stuff of the Internet, so IDK if it's reliable but whatever.

Sorry this chapter is so short--the others will be longer, I promise. Also, if you don't know who Isabel and Farlan are, they were Levi's friends in the Underground before he became a part of the Survey Corps. But of course, because this is SNK, they both died. Oh well.

Also, I should be updating this story every other day, so the next chapter will be up Thursday! :)

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