Chapter Six

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A/N: WARNING-there is smut at the end of the chapter but if you want to skip over that part it's at the very end in a giant paragraph but I'll put a warning in front of the paragraph just in case you don't see it...hehehehehe...also it's my first time writing it so be warned if it's terrible...sorry.

Disclaimer: Miraculously, overnight I have murdered the owners and writers of SNK and taken control of the show! MWHAHAHA! jk still don't own it. *sighs*

~Chapter Six~

"Armin told me about your relationship!" Mikasa proclaimed as she marched into their room the day after the blond-haired boy's visit. Eren looked up from the drawing he was making of Levi, who was sprawled out on Eren's bed reading a book. When Eren's older sister entered, he looked up with a bored expression and went back to reading.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Mikasa asked in annoyance. "And your attacks? You can control them now?"

Eren nodded happily as he carefully detailed a piece of Levi's hair. "Yeah! I figured it out yesterday!"

Mikasa ran over and hugged him. "When you come home I'm going to have Armin make all your favorite foods and stuff you so full you throw everything up!" She turned to Levi and her smile dimmed. "You can come too."

"Pass," he drawled and returned back to his book. Eren giggled at the expression on his sister's face and then coughed awkwardly when she turned her glare on him.

"Well, I'm going to get coffee," she said. "Be right back." She walked out towards the hall, but stopped in their doorway and glared suspiciously at Levi. "Don't do anything while I'm gone."

She left, and Eren burst into laughter. A smile crossed Levi's face. "Is she always like that?"

"Most of the time," the green-eyed boy responded, falling into another fit of giggles.

A few minutes later, Eren was biting his lip, carefully shading Levi's eyes with his pencil. Levi was still immersed deeply in his book when Mikasa barged back into the room, letting the door hit the wall with a loud bang.

"I knew it! You two are having sex!" She announced proudly.

Levi glanced at Eren, who looked surprised. "Really? Eren, why didn't you tell me? I would've put my book down," he said in a deadpan.

Eren laughed. "You didn't even get coffee!" He said to his sister. "Were you waiting outside the whole time?"

"You should be careful, Eren, sex could be very stressful on your heart," she lectured, ignoring his question. The younger boy facepalmed and Levi stifled a laugh.

"And what's wrong with you, anyways?" She asked, turning to him. "Why are you here?"

Levi tapped the side of his head. "Car crash. Hit my head."

Mikasa frowned at him. "Break my brother's heart and I'll rip you apart myself."

"Mikasa, stoooopppp," Eren groaned.

"I think you'll have to get in line," Levi retorted. "You're maybe the sixth person to tell me that."

A small smile slipped across Mikasa's lips and Eren gasped in mock surprise. "She smiled!" He proclaimed dramatically. "The formidable witch has broken her barriers!"

"You're so weird," Mikasa scoffed at him, but he only smiled innocently back at her. "I'm going to leave, but I'll be back tomorrow—for, you know. I just want to make sure you're okay. in a few months."

Eren's posture visibly stiffened, and Mikasa was poised to grab for his inhaler, but he calmed down after a moment. "Okay. Sure. See you tomorrow."

Mikasa smiled at her little brother proudly, then left the room, sending Levi one last parting glare as she went.

"Tch," he said when she was out of earshot. "She really hates me."

"No, she's just frustrated because her usual method of intimidation didn't work," Eren replied easily.

"So, is it true that sex would be bad for your heart?" Levi asked, raising an eyebrow teasingly.

Eren turned bright red. "Um...I-I don't know-maybe Mikasa d-don't know...why? Do you want to have sex with me?"

"What?!" It was Levi's turn to blush. "What I meant was—if you don't want to—"

Eren's grin was huge, and Levi blushed even darker when he saw it. "Oh, come here, you brat," he grumbled, pulling Eren closer and kissing him again. Eren returned the kiss eagerly, sliding his hands under Levi's shirt and letting his fingers travel up and down the older boy's back. Levi shivered at the touch and moved from Eren's mouth to his neck, nibbling on the soft skin. Eren let out a moan of pleasure and lifted Levi's shirt off his back and over his head, then had to stop for a moment to admire the other boy's goddamn muscles.

(Starts here)

"Eren, you're staring," Levi smirked, and was immediately turned on as the younger boy blushed again. He tugged at Eren's shirt, waiting for permission, and when he nodded, Levi removed the article of clothing and only paused for a moment to admire Eren's abs before he attacked the other boy with kisses, licking up and down his torso. Eren shuddered with pleasure beneath him, then rolled them over so he was on top of Levi. He moved down the older boy's torso with his mouth until he stopped at one of his nipples and slowly caressed it with his tongue, feeling it harden beneath his touch. Smirking, he did it again and Levi barely suppressed a moan. Eren kept going, trailing all the way down until Levi's belly button as if asking for permission. With a short nod, the other boy quickly flipped them over so Eren was on the bottom and did the same, a smirk twisting his lips as Eren shuddered beneath his touch. With one hand, he unzipped Eren's pants and pushed them down while using the other to support himself on the bed. Levi pushed down the other boy's boxers and fisted his hard cock with one hand, rubbing it teasingly. Eren gasped with pleasure and fisted his hands in Levi's hair as he arched his back. "More...more—agh," he groaned as Levi licked up and down his shaft, all while rubbing it in his hands teasingly. "Fuck, Levi, I'm going to—"

(Ends here)

"Hey guys, I forgot my—HOLY FUCKING SHIT," Mikasa screamed as she came into the room, almost impaling herself on her car keys as she flailed around in shock. "Oh my god...I did not need to see that...OH MY GOD," she shouted as she turned and fled. They heard her shrieks as she ran down the hallway all the way from their room and despite the weirdness of the situation, they doubled over laughing.

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