Chapter Four

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A/N: I really love this chapter omg *squeals*

Disclaimer: I don't own Eren or Levi or any of them... *cries*

Levi’s world was dark and torn apart. He had lost both of his best friends, he was stuck in the hospital, and things looked bleak and hopeless.

And then Eren came into his life, a beacon of hope and light. He made things better, and despite how much Levi wanted to push him away he kept on coming back. Things were looking up and Levi was actually happy again.

But now Isabel was dying, the last remnant of his friends was disappearing, and it was as if he hadn’t even left the darkness in the first place, and now he was plunging in even deeper.

He ran after Erwin blindly, his movements not being controlled by his brain, only his desperate need to get to Isabel.

She had to hold on. For him.

He knew it was selfish, but he didn’t feel like he could live in a world without her. He and Eren could never be more then friends, if the other boy even wanted to be friends in the first place.

Tears filled Levi’s gray eyes when he arrive at her room. She was surrounded by doctors and nurses, one of them holding a defibrillator. Another one yelled “Clear!” and they tried to jumpstart her heart, but it didn’t work. The line on the heart monitor remained flat.

Levi was vaguely aware of a warmth next to him, and then a hand slipping into his own and grasping it tightly, like an anchor. Levi glanced over to see Eren next to him, his normally passionate green eyes filled with sadness and empathy.

He squeezed back. A look of surprise crossed Eren’s face as he glanced down at their joined hands then back up at Levi’s face. But the older boy was back to staring at his friend’s motionless body. A doctor proclaimed sadly, “Isabel Magnolia. Time of death: 10:52 a.m.”

Levi choked back a sob and ran out of the room, dragging Eren with him. The taller boy easily kept up by using his long legs, but they were back at their own room far too soon and Levi collapsed on his bed, struggling to fight back tears. He didn’t want to cry in front of Eren. He couldn’t. He already showed enough weakness by running in the first place.

“Hey,” Eren said, and Levi was suddenly afraid the younger boy was going to mock him for being weak or something like that. “I know how you feel.” Okay, he wasn’t expecting that.

“When I was 13, there was a big fire. This gang that called themselves the Titans decided it would be fun to play a prank on me like they do at school, only on a major level. I don’t think they meant for anyone to die, but my mom did…and my heart, I have this thing that was hurt by the smoke and now…” Eren sighed, not elaborating even though Levi actually knew the story. “That’s why I’m here. Anyways, my mom died because of them, and it was the worst feeling in the world, being so helpless while she was in so much pain…” He clenched a fist in anger. “I know how you feel. And if you…I don’t know…ever want to talk about it, I guess, I’ll listen.”

Levi smiled gratefully at him. He looked at the fiery passion in the other boy’s eyes and saw something else there, something more beautiful and open then what he’d seen before. He blinked a little, surprised at the sudden change he saw in the boy, but smiled even wider when he realized the Eren in front of him was even more amazing than the Eren he’d first met.

“How about that movie?” He tried, wiping at his eyes.

Eren’s smile was as radiant as the sun. He ran to his side of the room and rooted through his things, finally pulling out a battered DVD case. He carefully removed the disc, put it in the player, and turned on the TV. After messing with the settings a little, the movie finally started to play.

Eren was immediately taken into the action onscreen. There was a smile in his eyes as he laughed at Tony Stark’s sassy comments and Natasha Romanoff’s badass-ery. But Levi was only half-paying attention to the movie; instead, he was studying the boy in front of him, the boy who’d forced himself into his life only a couple nights ago, the boy who was hopelessly damaged and might only have a year left to live, and the boy who he was starting to love. It was slightly insane, and Farlan and Isabel might laugh at him, (“You’ve only known him for a little while!” “Seriously, Levi?” “That’s so romantic!”) but Levi was slowly and surely falling in love with Eren Jaeger. The boy’s smiles, his eyes, his drawings, and that goddamn blush, it filled him with a warm feeling all the way down to his core.

Still, he was filled with doubts. His uncle didn’t care for him. The only bright spots in his life had been Farlan and Isabel, and now they were both dead. He didn’t want anything to happen to Eren either. He knew he was setting himself up for another tragedy, falling in love with this boy—Erwin had said it himself, he would be dead within the year if he didn’t get a transplant, and even that was a risky move.

Levi tried not to think about it. There were so many factors working against them being together, so many things keeping them apart, but he couldn’t help but fall in love with Eren. There. It was out there, in the open.

He was in love with Eren Jaeger.

“I’m in love with Eren Jaeger,” he muttered to himself, then froze, because holy shit he just said that out loud.

“What?” Eren asked, eyes wide as he turned to face Levi, the movie completely forgotten. “Did you just say you were in love with me?!”

“Jeez, have to rub it in, do you?” Levi snarked, red with embarrassment.

Eren’s eyes lit up. “Seriously?! You’re not joking, right? Because that would be really mean, I mean, I like you too, so it would be kinda mean to joke about that but—”

“Shut up,” Levi growled, and leaned forwards to press his lips against Eren’s. The other boy froze, shocked, before kissing back hungrily. Levi fisted his hands in Eren’s hair and the younger boy put his hands on Levi’s shoulders as they passionately kissed.

“That was not what I was expecting,” Eren whispered when they finally stopped to catch their breath.

“Better or worse?” Levi asked.

“Definitely better,” Eren nodded, his eyes sparkling with excitement and passion. Levi leaned in for another kiss, and the other boy complied, tilting his head down to press his lips against Levi’s. They stayed like that until the scene where the Hulk got loose in the Helicarrier, when Eren finally broke away.

 “So, does this mean we’re dating?”

A/N: I dId THe ThiNG OmG

Lovers (Killers) Ereri/Riren AUWhere stories live. Discover now