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"Good morning, y/n!" Mina jumped at me as I entered the class, a hand was placed on my back by Shad as I almost fell backwards from the sudden new weight.

"Morning, Mina," I nodded to her, "as energetic as young Ymira, I see."

"Don't know who she is," she replied as she stepped away, "but anyway, phone number before your phone dies again. Quick quick!"

I laughed a little and nodded, pulling my phone out and passing her it.

She put her number in my phone and then sent herself a message. She added my number to her phone and added me to a group chat before she saved everyone else's numbers in my phone and then passed it back to me.

"Don't ignore us though," she winked before skipping away like a little girl.


The morning lessons flew by quickly and lunch came around.

"You're getting slow," Shad told me as we both connected.

"Says you," I replied before pushing my fist from his grip and swinging my knee up, placing my hand on his head and pushing it down, the two body parts connected with a sickening crack. I pushed myself away from him as he did to me.

"What do you have? A stone for a knee?" he asked as he rubbed his nose that was bleeding, "jeez."

"Nah, it's all flesh and bone," I replied as I pulled my hands up again, "come on, let's keep going we've still go time to burn."

"Can we have a drink first?" he asked, "we ate and then got straight to sparring. I'm tired. Let me hydrate."

"Fine," I nodded, dropping my hands back down to my side before watching as Shad went to a bench to take a drink and clean his face.

"You two look like you're going to kill each other at the rate you're fighting," All Might stepped out into the section of the yard that we were sparring in, "I hope you realise that sparring without a teacher present is against the school rules."

"You were watching us the whole time," I replied as I took a sip of my own drink and watched as the slight cut on Shad's nose disappeared. He turned and greeted All Might.

"No injury?" I heard All Might whisper before watching as he shook his head, "I'll keep watching over the two. Maybe I'll even give you some pointers."

Myself and Shad shared a knowing glance before looking to All Might.

"Much appreciated," Shad nodded before we met in the middle again and began sparring.

Shad went straight onto the offensive so I put up my defense. We don't use our quirks for a sparring match around others because if we can keep what we have added on the down low, we will, and we want to. So that's that.

"Keep those fists protecting your face, young y/n, even a single punch can become a fatal blow!" All Might shouted from his place to our right.

I rolled my eyes and sent a jab towards Shad who knocked it to the side, I kept my barrage of punches flying towards Shad who in turn blocked and counter attacked as well until we eventually ended up with a fist caught in each others hand.

"That's enough now," All Might clapped his hands together a couple times before he walked over to us and placed a hand on each of our shoulders.

I had a sky rocketing urge to just grab his hand and flip him over my shoulder and get my revenge for what happened a couple nights ago. But then that could end up with people questioning who I am. So let's not do that.

The bell signalling end of lunch rung out.

"Saved by the bell," I mumbled to myself quietly before pushing All Might's hand off my shoulder and grabbing my blazer and bag. I waited as Shad did the same and begun walking away.

"Thanks for spotting us," Shad shouted back as we walked away from the pro. Once we were far away I decided to point out the obvious.

"I think he recognises our fighting," I whispered.

"I also noticed that look of recognition in his eyes," Shad nodded, "we need to be more careful."

"Especially if we get wounds," I reminded, "we can't turn the regeneration quirk off."

Shad visibly grit his teeth.

"That may be extremely difficult," he mumbled, "it'll raise alarms, especially because people don't naturally don't have two quirks and the exact same one as well... Unless they're family tied, but even then it can be slightly altered through the multiple births."

"We weren't born though," I reminded him, he shushed me.

"Mission," he quickly shot the conversation down, "what do you think we'll be doing this afternoon?"

"Who knows," I shrugged as we entered our classroom to see everyone was basically seated.

Not long after we sat down, the door opened and in walked a black haired man with shadows flowing from his body much like Endeavour's flames did.

"Good afternoon, Class," he greeted us, "I'm the number 3 pro hero, you'll know me as Shadows. I'll be taking you guys to my favourite building, one that I had built especially for this kind of training."

We all looked to the hero curiously.

"Obstacle course," he grinned, "Get up and get into your pe kits. This is going to be a wild ride!"

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now