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"We have to split up!" I announced to everyone, "there's no way we're getting past all those heroes as a giant group."

Everyone gave me a look of lure unsureness.

"We'll go off in our usual teams," I decide, "then we'll meet at... At the lab, we'll meet there. It might be our only place of refuge at the moment."

Everyone nodded.

"Alright," Two spoke up, "shall we say... We have a week... If we don't meet up there in a week, then we'll have to assume you were captured or killed."

"Sounds plausible," Three nodded, "let's go group after group."

"Group one go first then," Ten frowned.

Six and Nine nodded before quickly slipping out of the building. We waited five minutes before Three and Four left. Another five minutes and Two and Seven left. After them One, Five and Eight left, Six and Nine, leaving just myself and Ten.

"This is stressful," Ten sighed, running his fingers through his golden locks, "what happens if we get caught? Do we get locked up for life? Or will we get the benefit of the doubt?"

"I have a feeling we'll be sat staring at the same four walls for a long long time," I replied before placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "but I'm confident that we can avoid getting caught. I mean... We have been doing it our whole light, right?"

"Right," Ten nodded before we both got up, "now... Let's go."

We slipped out of the house and crept through the long grassy garden. Thank god for us never cutting this thing. It's a good cover. We reached the old stone waist high wall and peeked over to see two heroes stood looking around.

"It's quiet," Élastique commented, "You sure we're in the right place?"

"Positive," Hawks nodded.

I looked to Ten.

"Just knock them out," I whispered, he nodded and did a count down with his fingers. Three.. Two.. One.. Now!

We both jumped over the wall and wrapped our arms around their necks firmly, blocking their airways just enough to knock them out. We carefully placed them on the floor before running passed them.

"Can you teleport us over there?" I asked as we hid behind another wall.

"I don't remember it well enough, I could teleport us to the warehouses near them, but there's no promises that I remember their layouts enough to get us there safely," he replied.

"Let's just run then," I nodded, he agreed and we quietly jogged through the streets, being careful not to draw any attention to ourselves.


"Let's take a break," I suggested as we reached an overgrown forest that is around a five day journey away from the lab that so happened to be our beginning.

"We need to be careful," Ten replied, "we don't know who or what could be around here."

"Right," I nodded as we looked around for a space to sit down for a while.

"If we're following eyewitness claims then two members of Numéros should be coming in this direction," a voice appeared from somewhere behind us.

"Crap!" I cursed to myself silently before jumping up and grabbing Ten, pulling him around a large tree as the sound of dozens of people passed where we were previously sat.

We stayed put for ten minutes as whoever it was passed us.

"We can't stay here," Ten sighed, "come on, I'll see if we can sneak around here quicker."

I nodded and followed his lead as we moved silently around the backs of trees, using the overgrown plant life to hide ourselves.

"Shit," Ten muttered, I looked at him confused, "my foot."

I looked down to see he'd stepped on an alert plate.

"There's no way out of that," I shook my head, "move your foot and then sprint."

"You go first, five second head start," he told me, I nodded and ran away from him. 5...4...3...2...1... A pop sounded before a really loud high pitch noise cut through my hearing. I slowed down and covered my ears to try block out the ear splitting sound that was forcing its way through my head.

"C-come on," a hand reached my shoulder and pushed me along, I looked over to see Ten, he was cradling his head. The noise was clearly really affecting him as well.

"Over here!" shouted a voice as the sound seemed to dim slightly.

"Damn-- we need to move," I whispered, my voice affecting the pain even more as I spoke.

We sprinted forward, trying to block out the sound and avoid being spotted, however...

"There they are!" someone shouted. Oh for goodness--

"Zero! Watch ou--" Ten began before suddenly the ground seemed to disappear from below me and I went falling down somewhere, pulling Ten down with me.

We landed with sickening cracks against something.

Shadows' PoV

"Which ones were we tailing?" I asked as I reached where the other heroes had stopped and looked down into a really deep old mining cave.

"I only got a glimpse of their masks but I think it was Zero and Ten," one of my sidekicks replied.

Y/n and Shad...

"There's no way that they survived that fall," another sidekick pointed out, "these mines are just sheer drops to hell. They just keep going and going. Back in the day they used lifts and would stop at different intersections but the lift chasm just goes down further than the eye can see."

"Then we'll report it in, Zero and Ten are no longer alive," I decided. Everyone nodded and they turned and left.

I looked over the edge and down into the darkness.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't save you both," I sighed, "you didn't deserve any of this."

Subject 05066: Success | Villain Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now