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Saturday night_

"This... Isn't your house," I shook my head, "your apartment is somewhere in there right?"

"Nope," Momo smiled brightly, "come on!"

All us girls shared looks of 'she so innocent' but 'I'm jealous' at the same time.

We followed her through the giant ass courtyard, around the weird looping road rich people have and then into the giant mansion.

"We'll be staying in my room, follow me," she repeated, we followed her up one of the many flights of stairs and to a room. It was large and so was the bed! Who needs a bed that big?! I mean I want one that big but who needs it like that? I want it...

"Alright girls, settle down," Mina took control, "I have games!"

I forced a fake smile. I just have to endure for another... 5 hours...

Five hours. You can do this y/n. Just five hours.

Five hours later_

Everyone is finally asleep, time to slip out.

"Y/n?" someone called me as I reached the window and began opening it, I looked to see it was Jiro, "What're you doing?"

"Just letting in a bit of air, don't worry, go to sleep," I replied as softly as I could. I read that if you speak really soft to a half asleep person then you can sometimes trick their brains into thinking that they're still asleep. I doubt it's the truth but it's worth a shot, right?

"Oh alright, see you in the morning," she grumbled before flopping down. I sighed and quickly scribbled down a note saying I was meeting Shad because he wanted to "apologise" for what happened at school over the past few days of tiring acting. I left the note stuck to the window and slipped out, closing the window behind me so the note didn't fly out.

"Y/n," Shad called from below, I looked down and smiled, "you know how hard it is to get into here. Let's get out and quick."

"Right," I nodded before sliding down the roof and landing soundlessly beside him.


"Mask," I reminded Shad as I clicked my Numéros mask onto my face. Shad replicated my moves before we entered the meeting space. All of Numéros were there and so was Tomura Shigaraki's group: the league of villains. Pathetic group if you ask me.

"Ah, finally, Zero and Ten have arrived," came All for One's voice from a faceless screen.

"We apologise for being late," I said, "it was quite difficult sneaking away."

"And we've been having a bit of a problem recently so it's been a bit of a roller-coaster," Shad added on as we took our seats, myself next to One while Shad was next to Nine.

"Considering you're both the last ones to arrive, how about we as you guys for your report first. Zero you give it," All for One ordered, I nodded and stood up.

"UA is a strange place to be. There are heros everywhere and one slip up can cost us immeasurably," I started, "not to mention our classmates are extremely intelligent. They don't miss a thing. Especially this one boy, his name is Izuku Midoriya and he keeps notes of everyone and their quirks. It's been quite the challenge to avoid his note taking, however, myself and Ten may or may not be in a slight pickle..."

"This is the first time," Two mocked, "what did you do?"

"We didn't do anything," I glared, "however, during our most recent job we think Midoriya saw us and is suspecting us. If he recognised our voices then it just goes downhill from here."

"We're currently trying to get close to him so we can find out what he knows," Shad added on.

"That little bitch slapped me just to put the scenario into full swing," I grumbled, I'm still bitter about that.

"Don't worry," All for One announced, "I'm here to help you all and so I'll create a distraction while you're in one of your classes. Have someone take your appearance and cause a bit of trouble. It should distract suspicions off you for a while."

"Thank you," we both thanked him before I retook my seat.

One by one everyone in Numéros gave their reports until we ended with Tomura Shigaraki beginning his.

"We'll be breaking into UA on Monday," he announced, "we'll get the documents we need to launch our attack and kill the symbol of peace: All Might."

So that's his goal, huh?

A sharp laugh came from the far end of the Numéros group.

"What's so funny, Nine?" Shigaraki squinted at the girl.

"Have you seen UA's defenses?" she asked sassily, "Good luck strolling in."

"That's why Ten and Zero are going to help me," he snapped looking between us.

"And when the hell was this decided, huh?" I asked.

"When you both started going to UA," he replied. I scoffed and stood up, slamming my hands on the table.

"Now you listen here you lit--" I began to shout before static came from All for One's TV.

"All of you quiet," his voice finally appeared, "Ten and Zero, you will help Tomura as much as you can to accomplish his goal."

I rolled my eyes and sat down with a huff.

"When Tomura gets those schedules Ten will call in sick and then join Five in going with the League of Villains. Zero will get beaten up by the two of them in an attempts to further cover up the fact that you're Zero. Make suspicions go off track a bit more," he announced, "no discussion."

"Why do I have to get beaten up?" I asked, "I'm the stronger one out of all three of us."

"I have a new quirk," Five announced, "it'll make this a lot more easier."

"Really?" I asked, she nodded.

"I'll send you information later so you can prepare yourself, I tested it on Water, you know one of those four elements heros? He was writhing," she told me.

"And that makes me want to do this how?" I asked, leaning forward so I could see that damn mask.

"It doesn't," she replied. I can just imagine that smug damn smile on her face right now.

"Meeting dismissed," All for One announced before the TV turned off.

"We got to get to those sleepovers and pronto," Shad got up and speed walked over to me, "if we're gone any longer..."

"I know, I know."

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