【 T͎h͎e͎ ͎W͎i͎s͎t͎e͎r͎i͎a͎ ͎M͎a͎n͎o͎r͎ 】

691 31 4

Minutes passed between the trio after Tanjiro gave Kiyoshi the signal, strucking the tsuzumi as it re-located the room to another area

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Minutes passed between the trio after Tanjiro gave Kiyoshi the signal, strucking the tsuzumi as it re-located the room to another area. As they waited for Tanjiro's completion, the instrument suddenly vanished in thin air, causing the two terrified children to a panic state.

" W-what are we going to do?! "

The older brother stared at Ameiko with a teary eye while Teruko clung onto Ameiko's haori with tears threatening to fall out.

Ameiko, on the other hand, didn't think much as he pats them by the head, " Everything will be alright, " he assured them with a small smile, " Go and gather anything that's laying here while we Tanjiro-san returns. "

" Y-yes! "

With that, both Kiyoshi and Teruko quickly gathered the available items before returning to Ameiko's safety spot. As they waited patiently for Tanjiro's arrival. They heard heavy footsteps from afar, causing the children to be wearier.


Soon, the door was slammed open, revealing a screaming Tanjiro.

On cue, Kiyoshi and Teruko scream at the top of their lungs as they quickly threw the items at the poor boy without knowing who it was.

" Wai- "

Tanjiro swiftly dodges it while Ameiko just sat there with a smug plastered on his face, " Well, this is entertaining. " He murmured underneath his breath, waiting for a few more seconds until claps his hands, causing the children to halt, " It's just Tanjiro-san. "

" E-eh?! "

ıllıllı ♔ ıllıllı

Meanwhile, (Y/n) held a deadpanned expression after she tied the boar head Slayer while hanging on the tree, " PUT ME DOWN, YOU DEMON WOMAN! AND FIGHT ME! " He demanded while struggling to get out from his restrains.

" No, " she told him, ignoring his presence as she peered her attention towards Zenitsu who was not so afraid as he was sitting next to the wooden box with Shoichi.

" I'm going back inside for a bit. "

" E-eh? Why?! " Zenitsu asked with a hint of fear, causing (Y/n)'s gaze to soften. She approached him and patted him on the head, " There is something I need to check before Tanjiro-san and the rest comes back. " She assured him with a smile before leaving the now flustered boy.

As soon as she enters, a wave of emotions washed through her. She quietly walked through the corridors until it leads her to a room with papers scattered around, " Ah, so this is where they fought. " She muttered, picking up every written paper off the floor while taking her time reading through it.

" It's a beautiful piece yet, it was such a shame that nobody would want to hear it. Is it not? "

A faint presence could be felt within the room, " Nobody could understand the meaning behind it..." The soul fragment paused for a moment before they continued, " Yet, you and that boy...Didn't disregarded it. "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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