【 T͎h͎e͎ ͎H͎o͎u͎s͎e͎ ͎O͎f͎ ͎D͎e͎m͎o͎n͎s͎ 】

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" SOUTH-SOUTHEAST! SOUTH-SOUTHEAST! SOUTH-SOUTHEAST! YOUR NEW LOCATION IS SOUTH-SOUTHEAST! " Tanjiro's crow cawed loudly before continuing to bother the poor boy

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" SOUTH-SOUTHEAST! SOUTH-SOUTHEAST! SOUTH-SOUTHEAST! YOUR NEW LOCATION IS SOUTH-SOUTHEAST! " Tanjiro's crow cawed loudly before continuing to bother the poor boy. 

(Y/n), on the contrary, laughs silently and as for Ameiko held an amused expression, they watched until Ameiko spoke up, " Crow-san, could you at least shut up before I cook you as our meal? " 

The said crow froze as it quickly lands on Tanjiro's shoulder, hiding from Ameiko, " NO! DON'T COOK ME! I WON'T DO IT AGAIN! PLEASE! " 


Another voice shouted which startled the trio, turning their heads towards the source and saw a boy wearing a white triangle/yellow and orange gradient haori, clinging onto a helpless girl. 


(Y/n) shook her head, disapproving the way how the boy was treating towards the girl, " Is he trying to get himself in trouble if anyone saw this? " She heavily sighs while Ameiko saw a sparrow flying towards them and started to communicate with Tanjiro who somehow understands what it was saying. 

Both (Y/n) and Ameiko stare at the two with a dumbfounded expression while questioning themselves how on earth can Tanjiro understand animal language, " I see. I'll do something about it! " He assured the sparrow as the bird cried with joy. 

Unaware that the crow flew towards (Y/n) and sat on her shoulder. 

With that said, the boy with Hanafuda earrings approached the boy with white triangle/yellow and orange gradient haori and pulled him away from the girl without any effort before starting to scold him. 

As they were busy bickering with each other, both (Y/n) and Ameiko accosted to the girl as Ameiko help her up while (Y/n) apologise to the girl.

" We're sorry that he causes you trouble, miss. "

The girl nodded, bowing her head, " Thank you for helping me! " 

Until the boy with white triangle/yellow and orange gradient haori suddenly shouted, " STAY OUT OF MY WAY! THAT GIRL IS GOING TO MARRY ME! BECAUSE SHE'S IN LOVE WITH- "

The girl quickly ran up to the boy, slapping his cheek before the girl slaps him again. This manner continues, leaving the trio looked speechless after what they had witnessed until Tanjiro and Ameiko to separate the girl away from the poor boy. Leaving behind a bright red handprint on his swollen cheeks.

" When did I ever tell you that I loved you?! " She yelled at him, " You were crumpled up on the side of the road looking ill, and all I did was speak to you! "

" EH?! You mean you didn't reach to me out of love because you were worried?! "

" I already have a fiancé, so not on your life! With all that energy, you must be fine now, right? Goodbye! " With that said, the girl ends her ties with the poor boy before giving her last thanks to the trio and storming back home. Speaking of the boy, he turned around and saw Tanjiro held a mortified expression, " WHAT'S THAT LOOK ON YOUR FACE?! "

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