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That evening...

*Doorbell *
"I'll get it Grandpa! Maybe its one of the members."
As Tyson opened the door, he welcomed the guest with a smile.
Tyson: Avery! Glad u came. You're the first one to come after me and Kai coz obviously,  we live here . Duh!!

She mentally facepalmed at his stupidity and followed him inside , being greeted by an old man.

Tyson: this is my Grandfather.
She bowed and smiled,  then said " Nice to meet you Sir."
Grandpa: No need to be formal kid. Call me Grandpa.
Avery: ok...g-grandpa.

The three went inside the dojo at the back of the house. Kai was sitting at a corner, leaning against the wall, with eyes closed.
Avery put a finger on her lips to signal the two to keep quiet.
*Doorbell *
The two walked away towards the door.
Avery tip-toed towards Kai and"fake slept" on his lap. Kai woke up from the unfamiliar weight felt on him. As he saw the sleeping beauty on his lap, his eyes widened and his mind became restless.
' Ahh...Wha-What am I gonna do!? Is this some joke!! I'm going mad...'he panicked.  But, watching her smile while sleeping calmed him down .
        He pulled a srand of hair behind her ear, came close to her, and whisperd, " This is the best dream ever.
Avery : BOOOOO!!!!!
Kai: Ahh...!
Avery started laughing crazily and it ended up being chased by Kai all round the dojo. Kai finally caught her but, she fell down while still laughing and Kai on top. There was complete silence...two pairs of eyes staring deeply at each other without once blinking.
Both turned to see Grandpa and rest of the Bladebreakers eying them teasingly. Both immediately sat down akwardly , followed by the rest of the BB.
Grandpa: I'll go prepare for the dinner.
He said and walked away.
Kenny: Ok guys. We'll now discuss our strategies for the championship.
*opens her laptop*
°Dizzy: Took too long Kenny *yawns* So, the teams participating are-
PPB All stars
White Tigers
The Magestics
Ghost bladers
Bey Batallian( an. What's the spelling ?😅)
and Power 5

Tyson: Feels like a reunion!
Max: but who's Bey Batallian?
Ray: and Power 5?
Kenny : you know them. Bey Batallian is Barthes Batallian and Power 5 is the BEGA team...Crusher, Garland,  Mistel , Brooklyn and..*heart eyes,😍* MING MING!!
Rest(except Avery) : Not again*sigh*
Avery: I understand you have a crush on Ming Ming but can we continue?

Kenny: sorry😅, So...as I was saying,  all the teams have become stronger than before. Kai will not participate so we have to work harder now. Its a relief that we have Avery and her blade Volpix. Can I study your blade?

Avery: Ok.
Kenny: ill return it to you tomorrow.  Maybe ill try some new upgrades to it.

Grandpa shouts from the other room, " kids, dinner os ready ! Come on. "
All* except Kai and Avery *: COMING GRANDPA!!!


Grandpa: do you like the food Avery?
Avery : yes i do. Its delicious!
Tyson stuffed more meat in his mouth.
Max: you eat like a pig.
Tyson : says the one who adds mustard to every dish.
Max: hey!! Mustard is life!
Grandpa: no fighting in my house boys.
Ray : Avery, tell us something about yourself.
Avery: h-huh?
Tyson: YEAH!! About your past and your family.
Avery: m-my past?
Kai noticed the tension.
Kai: only if you're ok with it. No need to force yourself.
Avery(calms down): *sigh* ,🙂 after all we're friends...There's not much but , where do i start? So....

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