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As they opened their eyes, they found themselves tied...both legs and hands. They struggled to get free, only their skin scratching in the process. All five of them...Max, Ray, Tyson, Kenny and Hilary...Once agai- WAIT...where's the other two??

In another room,  a floor above, were Kai and Avery, their hands tied together as they were back-facing each other. Both woke up with an irritated groan, a sharp pain stinging their head.

" Well well...look whose awake!"

Kai: Leave us alone Voltare!!
Voltare: Calling your grandfather by name? Is this how I raised you?
Kai: You didn't raise me...you just used me for your evil deeds.
Avery; where. is. my. brother?

Voltare: Avery!! My most powerful discovery! I didn't hurt your brother ...yet.

Kai: what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be rotting in jail right now.

Voltare: Do you think that weak of me son...they had no evidence that i had anything to do with Boris and his plans. My men dealt with it perfectly.

Avery: what do you want from us ??

Voltare: you'll know soon. You two were my best bladers from the 'Abby'
...I'll not let go of my treasure that easily.

Kai: you selfish rat!! Let Tala and us free!!

Voltare: sleep now...Tomorrow is a great day for me and you...

Both suddenly felt dizzy and then again went unconscious.

Next morning...

Avery: Kai...phsst...kai!
Kai: A-Avery...huh...my head hurts...
Avery: We have to escape now!
Kai: But how??
Avery: i have a pocket-knife in my back. Try taking it out.
Kai: Okay-but why do you have a pocket-knife?
Avery: Because the Author-chan knew we're gonna get kidnapped.Now hurry up!

Kai managed to get the knife and they both freed themselves. Next, they ran downstairs and helped their friends with the ropes and duck-tapes . Next they ran around the building to find Tala.

They came across a room at the basement and went inside.

" Welcome bladers!!"

Avery: Voltare!! Where's my brother?!!
Voltare: I can free him. But I have a deal.
Kai : what deal?

" I want Avery to battle with my blader. If she wins, I'll set Tala free. But if he wins, i want Volpix for myself..."

Avery: Deal...
Kai: Avery no...this must be some trick. I can't loose you again.
Avery: I'll be fine . Trust me...

Both looked at each other and nodded, turning back to Voltare who had a smirk on his face...

Voltare: Lets begin then.. come in.

A kid, around their age entered the room. It wasn't noticeable if he was a boy or a girl because he was wearing a cloak covering his face.
He pulled his hood up and there was a shocked expression on everyone's face except Voltare.








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