12 ► Jet black heart

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"Hey," I said awkwardly, knowing very well how badly I was interrupting the moment of Michael and the converse girl. "Ready to go and work on the assignment?" I asked, looking at Michael.

He rolled his eyes at me, confirming that I was a terrible moment ruiner. He looked back at her and said something that I couldn't hear, she started giggling again. She playfully stuck out her tongue at him which revealed a shiny tongue piercing. Quite punk.

"See you tomorrow," she smiled at him and waved at us both before walking off in the other direction.

"Is there romance between you two already?" I teased playfully, while on the inside I was filled with hurt. I just wanted a conversation and no awkward tension as we started walking to my house.

"Not that that's any of your business," he said meanly, sticking his hands inside of the pockets of his black skinny jeans. They hugged his nice shaped legs perfectly. His mood definitely changed quickly with me around. He had been laughing with that stupid girl not even a minute ago.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked. Now it was only the two of us I felt so vulnerable. Nowhere to escape to, my urge to be sassy had sunk straight into the ground. I felt like the old Luke again. The quiet one, the one who no one noticed. The invisible Luke. I shivered.

"You're just rude," he simply said. I looked down at my shoes.

"I have never meant to be." '

'Whatever," he mumbled.

So, he didn't believe me. I softly sighed to myself. It was silent again. We were lucky it wasn't raining anymore unlike this morning but the clouds looked grey and threatening above us. The pavement was still wet and the cold of the air hugged our bodies.

"I'm sorry about being rude Friday morning and at the party. I really am." I really didn't know what else so say to him. But I had nothing to lose anymore, did I? "I'm not a rude person at all. I just had a shit day."

He sighed. "So did I. I might have taken it too personally. Shouldn't have been a dick either."

I was confused. Was he apologising to me? He'd done nothing wrong, I was the only one to blame. I shook my head. "I was being the dick, not you."

He looked up to me. "It's okay, man."

On the inside I began cheering and dancing, because what the hell had just happened? On my face the only thing that was visible, was a smile. I looked at him and he softly smiled back.

"So are we good?" I asked. I kept my eyes on the beautiful human being walking next to me, who nodded.

"Yeah, we're good, Luke." I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming. Not only because we were good, but also because this was the first time I had heard him say my name. I looked back at the pavement with a goofy smile on my face but I could care less about how stupid I might have looked.

"So, what are we going to write our song about?" I asked, changing the subject.

We had a good time. We didn't know what to write the lyrics about yet but we wrote some chords and chatted about our favourite bands (we appeared to have a lot of them in common,) and I tried not to drool over how hot he looked with my guitar on his lap. We had both showed off our guitar skills by playing songs to each other and both sang along together. We had introduced each other with bands the other didn't know and showed each other lots of random songs on YouTube on his phone, using ear buds so our faces were really close at certain moments. I didn't mind about that.

I hated when the sky had turned dark and he said he should leave after we had a big part of the chords done. I had offered to walk him home but he said it wasn't necessary, his house only being a few blocks away from mine. I had leaned against the frame of my front door, Michael was just about to leave. Until suddenly he had turned himself to me.

"Maybe you're not a douche bag after all," he said with the sweetest smile on his face. Little clouds from the evening air formed in front of his face from talking. I laughed and looked at the ground, unsure what to say until I felt arms wrapping themselves around me. My heart stood still for a second and I almost squealed. I but quickly hugged him back.

"I'm glad we're good," I softly spoke into his ear. The embrace was too short for my liking but I let him go and watched him walk away after he had waved at me. He got less visible with every step he took and soon after disappeared in the dark.

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