16 ► Calm

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I shivered as I watched Michael making us both hot chocolate. I saw that he shivered as well and rolled down the sleeves of his blue flannel before he added the whipped cream on top.

The rain was hitting the windows roughly, though it didn't bother me. I always loved that sound, it was calming. Especially when I would lay in bed trying to sleep, rain always helped. I heard Michael softly humming a song to himself which I quickly recognised as Daydream Away by All Time Low.

"'Cause right now could last forever, just as long as I'm with you," I softly sang along with his humming rhythm.

"I love that song," he softly smiled to me, putting back the whipped cream in the refrigerator. "It's one of my favourites." He grabbed one of the mugs and handed over to me.

"Thanks," I said, wrapping my hands around it. The rain had even become worse the past few minutes and I was glad we were inside instead of outside running down the streets while getting soaked.

"All Time Low are so great. I wish I could meet them one day."

"Me too," he sighed, "it's sad how unrealistic that thought is."

"Hey, let's make a band!" I joked. "We might get famous and get to meet them one day."

He laughed. It made me so happy inside to know that I was the cause for that laugh. I bit my lip and didn't notice I was staring at his face until he looked my directly in the eye again. I quickly looked down again.

"Sounds too good to be true though. But we first got to have a song before we do an attempt to get famous," he grinned at me. "Let's go upstairs and continue writing."

I nodded and took a sip of my hot chocolate as I followed him upstairs to his room. It was smaller than I expected but it might have been the cosiest room I had ever seen. The walls almost weren't visible because of the endless amount of posters of a lot of bands. Even though it was quite messy here and there because of the clothes laying over the floor and over his desk randomly, it felt warm and very comfortable. In the opposite corner of the room I noticed a black guitar standing which had two white crosses on it. It looked really cool.

He put down his mug on his desk and walked towards the guitar, grabbing it and putting it on his lap as he sat down on his bed. I took another sip of the warm sweet beverage as he placed his left hand on the frets and strumming the chords we had already practised. It really sounded good. I placed my mug next to his and sat down beside him on his bed. I watched breathlessly as he played, hair a bit messy, cheeks rosy from the cold and eyes closed as if he could feel the music inside of him.

"And that's all we have for now," he said, opening his eyes again as he strummed the last chord we had written down.

"We should post this on YouTube as soon as we're done," I said. "Not even joking or anything. It really sounds good."

He laughed. "That's not a bad idea at all. You'll sing, as soon as we have some lyrics though."

"No way, you sing a lot better than me!" I groaned.

"Have you heard yourself? If we ever started a band you'd be the lead singer without a doubt," he said, rolling his eyes. I shook my head laughing, because no, I really wasn't that good.

"Definitely not, you would be the singer, Michael."

"Don't be insecure Lukey, your voice is great!"

I blushed at that, but quickly changed the subject anyway because talking about my insecurities made me really uncomfortable.

"Are you still cold?" I asked, seeing he was still shaking a bit. It wasn't very visible that he was but I could notice it.

"Yeah, I turned on the heat downstairs but it takes a while before it actually gets warm," he laughed, laying his hands on his own upper arms in an attempt to keep himself warm.

"Come here," I mumbled, moving a bit closer to him and wrapping my arms around his upper body, one hand softly rubbing his shoulder. He made an approving sound and laid his head on my shoulder.

"You're warm," he mumbled. I closed my eyes and smiled. I smiled widely because Michael was cuddled up against me and he couldn't see my face so I grinned like a weirdo, not holding myself back. My nose was buried in his hair and focused on his breath which went calmer and calmer instead of shaky because of the warmth I gave him. And soon after I closed my eyes, enjoying the time with him.

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