20 ► Expectations

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I felt devastated. Friday had passed slowly and I was more than relieved when it was Saturday, even though I had my alarm clock set again. I couldn't get the image of Michael and Caroline kissing out of my mind. It was like the picture had been burnt inside of my head. To make things even worse, it seemed like he avoided me. He had walked past me in the hallways two or three times, hand locked with Caroline's, but he kept avoiding my eyes. Had I done something wrong?

As soon as it was around half past eight I walked over to Calum's house which was approximately between mine and the tattoo and piercing shop we had planned on going to. I rang his door bell, almost jumping out of excitement. This way as great way to keep Michael off my mind. I was so curious about how a lip piercing would look on me, though I wasn't nearly excited as Calum was.

"Luke!" he exclaimed happily as soon as he had opened the door before quickly grabbing his jacket and stepping outside before he had even pulled it on yet. "Come on, I can't wait!"

"As I have noticed," I softly laughed and caught up on him, already on his way as he zipped up his jacket. He started rambling about how excited he was to get a tattoo and how good a lip piercing would look on me. At one point it became silent again as we approached the shop.

"What's up between you and Alice by the way?" I softly asked. "Now that you have feelings for Ashton." There was a silence of a few seconds, then a sigh from him.

"I broke things off. I didn't think it was fair to her." I nodded, feeling bad for him. "I'm so stupid, I wasted everything. Ash has a girlfriend now."

I flung my arm over his shoulder. "You only did what was fair, Calum. You don't have to be angry at yourself, you will find someone, believe me. It just takes time." I saw a faint smile over his face.

"Yeah, I guess. Or we'll both be forever friend zoned," he laughed. "Hey, maybe we should date." I laughed with him as we walked into the shop.

"That might not even be a bad idea."


"Stop touching it, Luke. It might get infected," Calum said as we walked back about two hours later. I started groaning like a little kid.

"But it feels so weird! I can't stop touching it - ouch," I mumbled when I accidentally pulled it too hard.

"See?" he laughed as he brushed his hand which had a bandage on it through his hair. He got his parent's initials on both his hands, they worked out really good.

"Don't laugh, it hurts," I pouted at him.

"And you said you were punk? You're everything but that, Luke."

"I'm tough, I swear!"


This time when it was time for a short break from work, I decided to stay inside the shop. It wasn't really busy this time. I sat down with a cup of coffee in my hand. I wanted to check my Twitter but was surprised to see a text message showing up.

From: Michael
Wanna work on the assignment tomorrow?

I was kind of shocked. A good kind of shock because at least he wasn't avoiding me anymore. I smiled to myself, quickly looking around to see I was lucky no one was looking at me. I wondered what Michael would think about my piercing. Would he think it's cool?

To: Michael
At my place?

I would be home alone anyway tomorrow. I softly chuckled to myself. Stop the dirty thoughts, Luke.

From: Michael
Okay, see you then.

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