44 ► Perfect

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Lazy days were the best, Michael and I both agreed on that. So that's exactly what we did in the last few days before school would start again. He stayed at my place, occasionally mumbling about how he wished he could stay here forever. I wished that he could as well. I sat on his lap this time instead of him being on mine. My length made it close to impossible to lay my head on his chest but I had somehow managed to do it.

My hands were on his tummy and his arms were wrapped around me protectively, it was like he was protecting me from the world. I closed my eyes, listening to his beating heart. And at that moment it was the only thing I needed to hear. I wished that I could stop time, to make that day last forever.

The snow was starting to melt away but the clouds were still threatening hovering in the air, like it could start raining at any time. It was a sad sight but I didn't feel it. I couldn't possibly feel sad with those sweet arms around my waist, sharing body warmth as Titanic played on the TV in the background. I wasn't sure why we were watching it, it always made me tear up at the moment where - ... well actually, every moment. I crawled up a bit so I could lay my head on his shoulder.

"Move in with me," I whispered in his ear. "Let's find a place of our own, let's escape London together."

It was a sudden outburst of words, yet spoken so softly. He was obviously shocked, I felt him tensing up beneath me. I turned my head to look up at his face to see his eyes were already on me, big and filled with confusion and fear.

Of course he hadn't expected that question to come of my mouth and neither had I, honestly. It was like my brain had stopped working for a moment and that my heart took over my body. I did know how impossible it was so just go away from everything we had but I couldn't help but feel the desire to. After a while of staring at my face in pure confusion he softly laughed, leaving me the one to be in confusion.

"Why are you laughing?" I frowned.

"I'm not sure if you completely realise it, but we're both still in school."

"There's only half a year left before we can leave."

"And then? I don't have any money. Besides, my parents will never let me." He said it like the idea was ridiculous, almost scoffing, like the entire thing sounded childish. It drove me mad because I wasn't happy there. I had only been in London for several months but wanted to leave the place already, though not without him by my side. However at that moment he made me angry, making fun of my major plan.

"I have savings, Michael. Also we can find a job anywhere. Who gives a damn about your parents, you are eighteen for God's sake. I just want to make you happy," I pleaded. He sighed, looking down. His gaze became unfocused like he was deep in thought, maybe he finally realised he didn't have to stay here. That we did have a chance to leave this old black and white town and see the world together.

"I don't know, Luke. All my friends are here," he spoke softly. I nodded understandingly, he wasn't such a loner like I was. He had a social life and people he would miss. We sat in silence for a moment again. I could almost feel the struggle going on in his head, his frown being deep and eyes unfocused on the ground in front of him.

"Hey," I mumbled, causing him to look back at me again as I ran my hand over his back. "I'm not forcing you or anything. If you're not comfortable with it, I accept that. All I want for you is to be happy."

He nodded. "I know," he said before falling back into his thoughts again. I wished that I could read his mind so I knew the struggles going on in his head at that point. I wished that I could convince him of staying with me somehow. Of being a team, only the two of us against the rest of the world. The thought of it brought a grin to my face and a warm feeling inside of my chest.

"Luke?" he asked, his gaze back on me.

"Yes, love?" I replied, running my hand though his feathery soft hair. I still couldn't understand how it hadn't gotten dry or fallen out after those endless amounts of bleach, though he managed to still make it look perfect. More than perfect, even.

"You're an idiot with way too much fantasy running through your head."

I didn't know if I should take that in a positive or negative way and I couldn't help but get offended by him. He was making fun of me again, thinking it was impossible for us to go on the road together. It was the only thing I needed in my life at that very moment and he didn't take me seriously at all. The fact that he was still fondly smiling at me made me confused, it didn't match his words.

"What - what do you mean?" I asked hesitantly. I leaned slightly away from him. He just grinned at me and flung his arms over my shoulders so he was directly facing me.

"Which city would you plan on going to?"


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