"I'm Home My Darling.."Love Over Fear

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(Warnings: Dirty Talk, From Harsh Domestic to Handsy and Affection Jonathan, Mentions of Torture and Killing and Blood, Sexual Themes But No Actual Sex)

Your POV

      I layed down on the couch watching the nightly Gotham program when a sudden news break interrupted my shows. I let out an annoyed groan and reached for the remote. But the reporter says something that makes me pause in place. "Breaking News tonight in Gotham, Jonathan Crane, also known as The Scarecrow has escaped from Arkham after injuring two bodyguards and and his own Psychiatrists. GCPD wants all Gotham Citizens to be safe, be alert, and lock your doors." My heart started racing. "Oh shit... " I screamed aloud. I looked out the window and saw the bat signal. "Omg this is for real! " I jumped off the couch and towards the door and looked inside the peep hole. But to my disappointment, he wasn't there. 'Of course he's not there, it just happened'. But then other thoughts started to flow through my mind. 'Will he even come back to me? I mean, I haven't visited him in months! But it's not my fault... The stupid guards would'nt let me'. I sighed and layed against the door. "He probably doesn't even remember you anymore. " I looked through the peep hole one more time to nothing again then walked back to the couch.

      I changed the channel to late night movies, but I was focused on his return and the last time I visited him.


      We were in a room where they let the so called "dangerous" Patients visit their loved ones. I was waiting for a good thirty minutes before I see my poor Jonathan in s straight jacket get dragged in and seated in front of me. The goods look at me and one tells me "You got twenty minutes. " While they walk away to a corner in the room. Jonathans saddened crystal orbs look at mine. "How are you darling? " I shake my head and look down. "I should say that about you. Why are you in the jacket again? " He chuckles and looks over at one of the guards. "I threatened him and knocked him out with my food tray. " I look up at him and giggle. "What happened to behaving yourself. " He shrugged. "I get bored ya know. " I nod. "Yea I know. " I get up and circle till I'm on his side. I push him to the back of his chair and sit on his lap sideways. I rested my head under his chin and hear him sigh. "I miss you Y/n, I miss waking up with you and spending every day with you. " I let out a shaky sigh. "I miss you too. " I kiss his jaw and hug him. He groans and struggles against the jacket. "I just wanna touch you. " "I know babe. "

      We spent the rest of that visit talking about the food they feed him, and the how my job pays me. We were happy until the guards came to us and pointed at the clock. I kissed him on his lips and got off his lap. They picked him off his chair and dragged him away. "I'll be here next week! " I called out. Then I was escorted out.

~End Of Flashback~

      That was almost four months ago. The week after that visit, I went back. But when I went to the front, the lady told me he wasn't allowed to see anyone. I asked why but then was taken out. It went like that for three weeks before I decided to accept that I couldn't see him. It was sort of a good thing though, my job at the pharmacy gave me a raise and I was able to buy a new apartment. Only, it was lonely without getting phone calls and going to visit him. I didn't think anything of him, until now. I decided to try to sleep not caring of the TV staying on. Before I knew it I was knocked out. It had been a long day so once I closed my eyes, I was done.

     I dreamed about Jonathan. The first time I had one of him in weeks. He has laying on top of me, kissing my neck and caressing my whole body. But he stopped and got off me, instead he was replaced with a distorted and terrifying Batman. Trying to kill me. "No! No please stop! " I screamed. Suddenly... I woke up still screaming and crying. I shook and after a couple of seconds, calmed down. My worst fear in a wet dream? Yes it was true, ever since I had a bad interaction with Batman, I was frightened he was going to kill me for being associated with Scarecrow. I rubbed my eyes and cleared my vision when I heard a familiar chuckle. "You went from moaning to screaming in a couple of seconds, I'm glad I have this affect on you. "

      I sat up and turned towards where the voice was coming from. There in the light from the TV stood Jonathan wearing his mask. "Jonathan? " I asked still half asleep. "The one and only babe. " He took off his mask to reveal his mesmerizing Crystal blue eyes, his messy hair and his famous cocky smirk. I got off the couch and ran straight to him, jumping into his arms. "Y/n darling.. I missed you. " "I missed you too John, why did you escape, why did you hurt those guards, why did yo-" He cut me off with a peck on the lips. "Questions will be answered later. Just know that, we're no longer going to be separated ever again. " I nodded and pulled him back down to a deep kiss. I tangled my fingers in his hair pulling him as close as I can. I felt him pus me towards the wall, but as soon my back hit the wall, his hand went around my throat and tightly wrapped it around it, but not like he would do it in bed, this was out of rage.

      I removed my mouth from his and tried to claw his hand of my throat to get some air. "J-johnn-" Was the only thing I could get out. "You know what you did to me Y/n...you made me suffer. Four months without you coming to see me? Four months of nothing but stupid hypnosis that doesn't work for shit? Being all alone going slowly insane? " He darkly chuckled. "Let me guess, too scared the Batman was going to kill you? So your fear prevented from visiting your own boyfriend? Just tell me your lame excuse already Y/n! " On that note, he released my throat, I started coughing for air. "Johnathan it-it wasn't like that at all! " I said between breaths. "Then what the hell was in Y/n! " "It was the damn guards! They wouldn't let me through, believe me I tried, I even tried breaking in! They... They said I wasn't allowed to see you at all... " I looked at him, and he gave me a shocked look. "What? Why? Why didn't they let you see me? " I shrugged "But your not innocent either! You didn't call me at all! I didnt know if you were even still alive! " "They told me that your number got disconnected? But I mean, I guess it did, when did you get this place? " I scoffed and walked up to him. "You, the great and powerful Scarecrow couldn't try hard enough to look for my new number? "

      He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I think there's a rat on the lose Y/n." It finally clicked, 'Of course the bats would try to avoid us seeing each other. "More like a bat. " "Precisely." He grabbed my hands and kisses my knuckles. "I didn't mean to snap love but now... I'm home my darling." He kissed my nose and I giggled. "And your staying... Right? " He brought me to follow him to the couch. He sat down and guided me to sit on his lap. "Yes, of course I am. But I have a proposition. " He said nibbling my ear. "And that is? " He kissed down my neck and pinched my thigh. "Plan with me so we can destroy Batman and every person who did us wrong in that stupid asylum. "As long as we're together... I will pull someones brains out with you. " He chuckled and moved me so I was straddling him. "Then it's settled. " He pecked me on my lips and groped but boobs. "John! " I blushed "I just.. Missed you my love. " He bit down on my neck and I let out a moan. "Seems like you missed me too? " I grinded against him and he let out a deep groan. "I'll take that as a yes. " He flipped me over and continued kissing me.

      He stopped while taking off my shirt. "Are you sure you didn't see me because of your phobia? " I shook my head and palmed him through his tight pants. "Would I lie? Even if I was a little frightened... " I continued kissing him and pulled down his pants "... Love over fear. "

(A/N:thanks for reading, please vote and comment if you want a second part of full smut!)

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