15. Behind Closed Doors

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"Hm? Oh sorry. Got a little lost there," he chuckled, then reverted his attention back to Colton. "Whatever ya need bud, just say the word."

"You think I could get another room? It's just that I want to keep this on the down-low so..."

Another room? What for?

"Ohhhh, yeah yeah! Of course. Actually," he fished for something within the breast pocket of his blazer and produced a card similar to the one that Colton had got at the front desk. "Here. I had this room saved to use for later but you go on ahead and take it," Colton took the card and not soon after, we reached the 38th floor. The doors parted open and we all exited out, except I kept a little distance between the two towering men, still cautious around the perverted one.

"Thanks mate," Colton said, going in for another handshake.

"Don't mention it," Elio grinned, then took a quick glance at the expensive looking watch attached around his wrist. "Well, I've got to go. There's someone waiting for me back at my place," he looked back up between us both, but kept his eyes lingering on me for longer. "You both have fun huh? Maybe you can repay me back sometime..." the vile man made me feel cold chills run down my back as he licked his bottom lip. I shuffled myself even further away from him and a little behind Colton, which made him chuckle in amusement. "Alright, see ya around James."

Once Elio had left, Colton turned to me and cocked his head to the side. "Come."

I followed him, and as we were walking down the dimly lit hall, I saw a sign posted above a heavy metal looking door. It was the stairs. If we went past there, I could make a run for it. It was 38 flights of stairs. I'd have at least a few seconds head start since I was behind him. And he couldn't shoot me could he? It was probably just a bluff. And even if it wasn't, he couldn't shoot at me here. We were nearing the door—only a few steps left. Just about there...

"Right here," Colton stopped abruptly, and I was right on his heels, anticipating the arrival to the exit. Instead of stopping, I crashed into his back and wobbled backwards. He looked back at me questioningly.

I grabbed my nose. "S-sorry. I was just...staring at the ground so I didn't notice you'd stopped."

He pursed his lips, and looked over his shoulder. My stomach dropped. Oh shit. Why was he looking there? Did he see me looking there? Once he turned back, there was only a frown evident on his face, and he grabbed my wrist. Damn it. He found out.
"Should've known better..." he shook his head, jabbing the key card into the slot of the door that read 146 and opened it once the light turned green.

"No w-wait!"

Colton dragged us both inside to reveal a room with large window panes straight ahead. From here, you could see all the blazing city lights and cars on streets. The view was beautiful. And it was the only thing I could see. Like literally all I could see. There was nothing to illuminate the place. All I could make out were mere silhouettes of furniture sitting in the space in front. And that too only because of the dismal amount of light coming in from the large windows. I was guessing this was some sort of suite, because the sheer size of the open area was not one you'd get from a hotel room—even if it was of five star status.

A tug from Colton pulled me forward and I stumbled on over my feet. He maneuvered through the dark towards the right, still keeping a firm grip on me. "Wait! Stop!" Being dragged into pitch black darkness was starting to get unnerving. What was he gonna do to me here? Was he going to...was he really going to...assault me?  My throat felt constricted which caused my panting to escalate. I wrestled against his grip, this time with way more urgency. "What are you gonna do to me!?"

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