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Evangeline: So yeah. I like both names. I'm still Evangeline, but I'm also Remus. Does that make sense?

Ignatz: Yes Of course, we'll call you whatever name and pronouns you want!

Lysithea: We'd be nothing but children bullies if we did otherwise!

Petra: But I have one confusion: what name do we call you? Evangeline? Or Remus?

Raphael: Yeah I was stumped on that too but I thought it was because I'm not smart.

Evangeline: I mean, everyone here already calls me Evangeline and writing out both names before my dialogue in the formatting of the book seems awkward...

Claude: Maybe alternate between chapters? I don't know. This entire thing is new to me.

Lorenz: Since Claude can't think of an idea, I guess it's up to me. I suppose you could just switch your name to Remus from now on? 

Hilda: You didn't even hear what he wanted! She wanted. They wanted. Jeez now I'm stumbling over myself! What I'm trying to say is that Evangeline wants to be called both Evangeline AND Remus! They don't want to commit to one or the other!

Leonie and Marianne: ...

Petra: Then what do we doing?

Raphael: Why not have the boys call you Evangeline and the girls call you Remus? Or does that make it all worse?

Ignatz: It is a good suggestion, but I don't think we want that. Maybe we could ask the audience for help?

Lorenz: Brilliant idea Ignatz! Though I should have thought of thst myself... We can ask the commoners reading this! Err, if you're okay with that Evangeline. I mean Remus! I mean... ugh this is complicated.

Evangeline: Again it's fine. You can call me whichever one you want to call me. I like both names. But what we write in the book is a different story. Can you all out there help me? How should I format this par se.

Claude: Write it like Eva/Remus or Evangeline/Remus or stick to either or. And what we call you is a bigger mystery too. Why don't we just call you 'Teach?

Evangeline: *shivers* Because that's Vai- I mean because that's what you would've called Byleth! I'm not Byleth I'm Me! 

Leonie: Using a Nickname would be smarter.

Raphael: Let's just ask them! Leave it to them! Let the readers decide, okay? Discussion over. Let's go get lunch!

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