Chapter Seven-A Devious Plan

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"Hey, what's on your schedule for today?" Kylie asked while barging into Lynn's room through the connecting bathroom door.

"I've got laundry, a few errands, and a yoga class in the afternoon, why?"

"Okay let me be a little more specific, what are you doing tonight?" Kylie rephrased.

"Um nothing so far, were you thinking of doing something?" Lynn asked while combing out her strawberry blond hair, dripping fat drops of water from the shower.

"Well my sister is coming in tonight," Lynn nodded remembering Kylie's younger sister Avery, the wilder of the two with eyes that made the moon dull. "Well she's been begging me to take her to the bar downtown-"

"Wait, hold on a minute. You're not seriously thinking about taking your fourteen year old, underage sister to a bar are you?" Lynn frowned placing both of her hands on both of her hips. Water trickled down her t-shirt.


"And not just any bar, you want to take her to the bar that I am trying to build a reputation in, a reputation that says sweet, mellow, down to earth singer songwriter. Not law breaking alcoholic who brings children to bars." She said gesturing wildly. Invisible air quotes were dragged through the air with her bare fingers. "I'm not supporting this, no."

"She's sixteen but she'll be seventeen in a few months. Besides she has an ID that says otherwise. Avery can pass for older and you know it, plus it would only be once this visit." defended Kylie.

"This visit?" Lynn's head tilted to the side, not believing the words coming out of her roommate's mouth.

"You know what," Kylie said. "Just forget I even mentioned it." she finished, her voice giving hints of anger and frustration.

"Believe me, I will. I can't believe you even suggested that."

"I just thought you would want to have some real fun instead of sitting here at home with a stick up your ass." Kylie mumbled as she exited the room.

Lynn stood there, jaw dropped, shocked at Kylie's words. They hadn't had a real fight since they moved in together over a year ago. While that might not have even counted as a fight, Lynn was feeling like their friendship was damaged a little. She knew that she liked to be tidy and tame while Kylie liked to be messy and have her fun. That's why they worked so well together, they balanced each other out. Together they made an amazing team, but Kylie and Avery were partners in crime, nothing could stop them, which was probably why Kylie had gotten so defensive.

Lynn thought about apologizing but then stopped herself. Why should I have to apologize for something I didn't do wrong? Kylie is the one who wanted to take her baby sister drinking. I only told her that it was not a responsible thing to do. Kylie is the one who said that I had a stick where the sun doesn't shine. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be her.

Lynn heard the front door close followed by a car engine roaring up a few moments later. Either way, Lynn was not getting up to go apologize at that moment, especially not for something that she hadn't done wrong.


"Feel like getting a drink?" Luke asked Ashton, waking the older man that had been sprawled out asleep on the couch.

"A drink, right now?" Ashton sleepily questioned, wiping the residue from his eyes while peering up at the Luke. The man he considered his little brother, despite the height difference.

"Well no, not at the moment. But I want to go downtown and explore a little bit, see a few shops or whatever. I figured I would bribe you to come with me if I promised you a drink at that bar we passed on the way here." suggested Luke.

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