Chapter 2

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(^means time skip)

Today was the day of the exams, but am I gonna dress over the top for it? No way in hell. Fukushima thought as she raised from the dead—I mean, her bed. Even if she wanted to, Zuko didn't even have a proper middle school uniform seeing as she was expelled years ago and has been homeschooling herself since. Getting up she managed to find a pair of gray joggers on her bedroom floor and a simple black cropped tank top. Satisfied she dragged her body out of her room and made her way towards the bathroom to wash up.

Zuko had walked out the bathroom with her casual clothes before she began to scavenge for her most prized possession. "Aha! There you are!" A victory remark flew out as the slightly oversized zip up hoodie came into view. Slipping it onto her toned frame Zuko made her way out of her room and into the kitchen to prepare breakfast just as Daichi's much smaller frame sprain from the corner of the hallway and to the kitchen in a rush.

The sound of his tiny footsteps caused a laugh to bubble out of Zuko's mouth. "Good morning Baby, how'd you sleep?" Zuko gave Daichi a gentle smile as he came up behind her for his daily hug. "Good morning!! I slept great!" He gave his sister his usual dazzling smile as she handed him his meal.

"I'm going to wake up mom, and then bounce. Okay? I have somewhere to be today." Zuko informed the little ball of happiness, Daichi gave her a thumbs up as she went off to open Hana's door.

"Mom, I gotta go take some exams for UA. I'll be here in time for lunch. Just take Daichi off to work with you and I'll pick him up after. Good bye!" Hurrying out the house with a few apple slices that Mom typically packed for her and/or Daichi when they happen to run late, Zuko looked down at her phone with a sigh, I only have an hour to get there on time but the train ride is like 30 minutes. This should be interesting.

Walking into the classroom like setup with just barely three minutes to spare and judging glances from other students, Zuko had made it to the entrance exams. "Hey where's your uniform?! This is a formal environment!" Pausing as she was trying to find an open seat, she took a look at the annoying human who had yelled across the room in her direction.

"Where's your manners asshole? Last I checked you ain't got no business with me." Zuko's harsh tone nearly froze all the students in place as her dull gray —nearly white— eyes pierced the other student's navy ones. "W-well I-um...." Scoffing, Zuko continued to make her own way towards an empty seat. "Fucking brat." His uniform clearly showed the symbol of a prestigious school. Do I happen to remember which? Nope but it was definitely familiar.

The blondie from ten months ago appeared not to long after Zuko sat down to explain the setup of the exam. Of course Zuko was paying attention...just not to the entire speech. She was later handed a card that held whatever number she was and letter for the physical portion of the exam, but just as nearly every traditional exam in Japan, the written part came first.

Handing in the written portion, Mic simply glanced at Zuko in slight intimidation which she had only responded with a tight smile. Damn do I really make him that nervous? After receiving the go-ahead she went off to find her gate. Pausing on the way, Zuko decided to check her phone for any new texts.

Mom: Daichi is with me at the office. Please come get him when you're done.

Zuko: Yeah, I just have about another hour before I get to leave.

Zuko took a seat on the dirt as she waited for everyone else to hurry up and complete the written exam. All I gotta do is smash some robots, and the big one is pointless. I got this. Reassuring herself, Zuko took this moment to hide her phone once again before she managed to push her way to the front of the gathering. As the gates opened she broke out into a run towards the city like war zone trying to find and destroy those troublesome bots. It's too bad these kids are so used to being given the okay though, cause that was the only thing preventing them from catching up to me. But its such a drag that my quirk isn't even a physical enhancement one like the rest of these guys...

Zuko's legs wrapped around the neck of a bot while her hands tore the head off, throwing it with such force it left a hole through four other three pointers. 24? Maybe. But math is just too much right now.

Continuing throughout the city Zuko some how made it to the center where everyone happened to be sorting out the last few of the tin cans. *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* zero pointer? Mhm, we only got a minute or two left anyways so I'm not surprised.

Everyone began to run away as Zuko oh so calmly walked at a good distance from the giant tin can. well everyone but the one pikachu that happened to be somewhat crushed from some rubble. Jogging up to him, Zuko pulled him out of the rubble, though the pikachu looked as if he might have a concussion from the damage. "Yo, could you help me out?" A pink girl who had been running by paused to notice the white eyed teen. A smile crossed her face as she nodded towards Zuko, making her way across the piles of rubbish that littered the war zoned city. "thanks!" Zuko glanced back at the zero pointer and thought for a second.

If I happen to take it down within the last minute or so, I could show off and get this pikachu out without stressing his body. A grin creeped its way onto Zuko's face as she ran towards the huge machine. The pink alien like girl stared at the black haired girl in utter confusion. Zuko managed to jump into the air while pulling out two blades from her sleeves, both of which held destructive bombs. —When did she find out how to make them or took the time to make them is a mystery—

Throwing the blades she hoped they would land at the bullseye -the eye of the bot- as she began falling back down. An explosion so big that it almost appeared like fireworks, lit up the head of the tin can, leading to the rest of the body to fall backwards. "Woo! And here I thought that those weren't gonna do any damage!" Zuko grinned proudly to herself before running up to the pink girl.

"Hey is he doing okay? Like does he have a concussion or something?" Zuko questioned the pink girl whilst kneeing down to check his condition. "I-I don't know b-but how-w did you j-just-?" An old tiny lady came up to the two of them with a kind smile while offering some candy. "I'll take care of this one girls, don't worry!" Zuko gave a thankful nod in return taking a moment to glance down at the candy in her palms. I'll save the candy for Daichi, he'll probably be happy to get some after this hectic morning.

"I'm out then, bye Pinky!" Waving, Zuko rushed her fair-wells with the pink alien girl and left the school to head towards the train station.

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