Chapter 18

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Zuko was forced to wake up at 5:30 am...let's just say Mina and Yaoyorozu never wish to wake the girl ever again. "If anyone gets so far as a meter near me and wants to scream in my ear about how it's a good morning. I will personally make sure to send you to hell."

The aura around Zuko was darker than Dark Shadow and was ten times more deadly as she walked towards the group in her spandex shorts and sports bra. It's too hot out here...the sun is too bright...why is everything so green? "Good morning everyone-" a dagger shot out, just barely missing Mr. Aizawa's head. "-Today we begin rigorous round of reinforcement training." He spoke causally, ignoring Zuko's attempt to hurt him.

"The point of this trip is to strengthen your quirks as a whole. Therefore allowing you all to get your temporary licenses." Why is he still talking? I'm still kinda hungry.... "This is to prepare you to stand up against and up to live action hostility and aggression from your enemy."

Sitting down Zuko lazily watched her teacher speak. "With that said, Bakugo. Try throwing this." That's the ball from the practical exam...we might've grown mentally, but physically we haven't changed much. That even includes me.

Looking down at her hands, Zuko could only think about how she would need to improve. "...let's see how much you've improved."

"I'm calling over 1km!"

"You got this Bakugo!"

"I'm calling 708 km" Mina looked over at Zuko baffled. "No way! Just watch!" The two both looked at Bakugo as he began to stretch his arm. "DROP DEAD!!!"

"Gladly if that means I can sleep." Zuko murmured.

"709.6 meters."

"Looks like I'm closer." Zuko smirked, now fully awake and back to her usual self. "In three months you guys have grown a lot, but that growth has mostly been emotional and technical." He's getting that creepy smile back...

"As you can see your quirks themselves only improve by a margin amount. So starting today, we will focus on upgrading your quirks. I'll be pushing you beyond your try not to kick the bucket on me." Oh we go again....


I'm going to die...holy shit....this hurts so much! Because Zuko's quirk isn't as physical as every one else's, she was forced to strengthen her swordsmanship and do some sort of ancient breathing thing constantly to increase her stamina and strength. (A/n: inspired by Demon Slayer) Zuko felt like her arms were going to fall off and that her lungs where going to burst. Adding onto this painful training, they've been at it for hours!

"I-I c-can't-" Zuko fell to her knees and began to violently cough, trying to refill her lungs with air. "Fukushima, get up! It's only been a few hours!" Two new kinky cats joined the training camp, one of which specializes in physical strength.

"I-I-" the girl kept coughing, unable to get a sentence out. A water bottle rolled over to her from the forest causing the teen to look in the direction that it came from.

There Kota was, hiding in the bushes while giving her two thumbs up. He's trying to cheer me on, isn't he? Grabbing the water she quickly drowned half of it down and wiped her mouth. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU UGLY ASS TIGER!" She yelled before shakily getting back up and holding her sword ready.

The man simply decided to test her strength by attacking her with his bare hands. Zuko used her breath technique and used her blade to fight him off, even though she could probably pass out at any moment. It's just the first day...I need to get stronger! For Daichi and Mom! "RRRGH!!"

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