Chapter 11

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Todoroki vs. Midoriya? Hm that sounds interesting. I'll open my eyes when it gets good. —I swear, if Endeavor is gonna make a big deal of this if Todoroki uses his left side.— "Ugh." Zuko rubbed her eyes and got up. "Where are you going Fukushima? The match is about to begin." Sero wondered out loud as she stood to stretch. With a simple reply, Zuko sighed. "I need to go watch someone."

As she was walking to where she had last saw Endeavor, Hana called her. "Hi mom, wassup?"

"Zuko! I was so worried!" Zuko laughed a bit at her confession. "Sorry Mom, but I did whatever I had to. I'm not going to quit until I make it as far as I can go."

"Zuko, baby, don't you think that's a little extreme? You don't have to-"

"No. I need to make it to the top Mom. And I wont quit! I'm gonna be at the top and I'mma make you, and Daichi proud." The other side of the call got quiet as she was making it closer to the Pro-Asshole.

"We are proud of you honey. Just don't forget that." Zuko smiled and nodded. "I won't, love you Mom."

"I love you too Zuko." Just as the call ended Zuko stepped next to Endeavor.

"You better not think about pulling anything stupid Enji." She hissed. "As if you could stop me Zuko." The hate they had for each other was clear, and the tense air around them couldn't even be cut with the sharpest of knifes.

Is Midoriya really just gonna keep breaking his bones for this match? That'll leave him defenseless. Zuko thought to herself as she watched the green haired self sacrificial idiot continue to fight. "As much as I hate to say it, Todoroki has your stubbornness Enji."

The redhead barely gave her a glance before huffing in pride. "He is my son after all." "More like you're puppet." She countered without skipping a beat. Is Midoriya really gonna break Todoroki's stupid idea of quirks? If he does, he's doing me a huge favor. Zuko continued to observe the fight. As it appears that the two of them were having some sort of discussion.

Midoriya has a lot of will power that's for sure...but why? And how did he get Todoroki so pissed? A blaze of heat took over the stage as she watched in awe. Midoriya did it. "YES SHOTO!! HAVE YOU FINALLY ACCEPTED YOUR PURPOSE?!" Endeavor began to walk down the steps to get closer to Todoroki, like hell! "YOU WILL LIVE UP-Agh!" Zuko stepped onto his foot with everything she had, causing a sickening pain to wash over the pro.

"That's enough out of you Enji. Leave the Peppermint alone." She hissed, grabbing ahold of his firey collar Zuko forced him back towards the wall.

"GO TODOROKI! Forget what that ass was blabbing about!" She cheered.

"Endeavor shouts words of..encouragement? Along side Fukushima?! When did she get down there?!?"

Both Todoroki's and Midoriya's attacks force Cementos to create walls of defense to stop them from colliding. "Ah!" The next thing Zuko knew, she was up against the wall unable to move because of the forceful winds around the stadium.

Damn Todoroki is looking really sexy with his shirt torn like that. She smirked before walking back to her classmates. "That was probably my favorite fight, second to Uraraka's." Zuko stated once she made it back. "Hey! Kirishima, you're in my seat." The red head gave her an apologetic grin but still didn't move.

"Fine. I'll just sit behind ya." Zuko took the seat behind the blond and red head. "Oh wait.. it's my fight now." She shamelessly scratched at her scar. Is my memory really that bad? Must've been all the drugs I've done...

"Good luck Fukushima, you too Iida!"

Iida is for sure gonna try knocking me out of the stage. Hm, let's make this difficult for him then. The teen hummed as she finally stepped onto the stage arena.

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