Chapter 22

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A week had passed before Zuko allowed anyone beside Hana to enter her hospital room. Daichi and Mrs. Tanaka came to visit her, she refused to allow any of her classmates see her though. The nurses would often tell her how groups often would come by and attempt to sneak in, but luckily she had a police officer at her door protecting the teen from any journalists or in this case, classmates.

Though Zuko had sustained such extreme injuries, it didn't stop her from begging to be released from the hospital. The doctors refused, spilling (bullshit) about her weakened state and how she needs to stay in their prison for at the very least, another two weeks.

Unable to yell back at the (dumbass) adults, Zuko laid bedridden with nothing to do for hours on end.

"Shitty ass food, who the fuck eats this nasty crap?" The girl grumbles to herself. Her vocal cords were slowly healing —though not much because of her constant arguing and complaining—

"How about a sandwich? I got it at our favorite spot." Shocked, Zuko's eyes snapped up to meet the familiar turquoise ones of her oldest companion.

The tall man entered the hospital room unannounced with two bags in his right hand. "D-dabi?" The black haired villain approached the teen slowly, sitting himself in the chair beside her bed with a groan.

" you been, little vampire?" Dabi asked gently. Tears formed, threatening to spill as she reached to hug him. "D-Dabi!"

"Calm down, I only have an hour before I have to leave. You don't want to spend it crying your eyes out, do you?" Leaning away, Zuko shook her head like a small child. Reminding Dabi of when she was younger. "Good, now eat. The food here is gross." Zuko took ahold of the sandwich happily. Gratefully taking a bite out of the delicious food.

Finally! Something solid to eat!- "Ow!" Zuko gently held her throat as she swallowed. Silently alarmed, Dabi's eyes widened in concern for the small girl. "Damn vampire, take the time to chew." Dabi pokes Zuko's forehead as a warning.

Obediently, she did as told. After all, the only person she truly listens to without question is Dabi. "That's better." He huffs as he leans back into the chair. Taking the moment to look his beloved little vampire.

That wicked bitch and her boy-toy might as well had killed you...I'm sorry I let you go.... Dabi's mind drifted off as he grew aware of Zuko's fragile state.

"Dabi.....Do you love me?" Zuko questioned, her strained voice cutting through the pregnant silence around them. It became a new habit to constantly asked those who visited her the same question. But it was the only way for Zuko to differentiate between her nightmares and reality.

"What kind of question is that?" Dabi grumbled, watching her reaction closely. The moment his words registered in her mind, Zuko's eyes widen in terror, believing she was having another nightmare.

"H-hey! Calm down!" Dabi whispered quickly as her heart monitor began to beep faster. "I-I do! Okay?! I care about you're dumbass, why else would I risk my ass to bring you good food?" Dabi admitted to the girl.

The beeping of the heart monitor slowed down, finally letting Dabi relax without nurses flying into the room.

"You mean it?" The child like innocence in her voice caught the male's full attention.

How could anyone actually love me? After mother said she never did.....

"Yea, now stop with the stupid questions and eat." Zuko took ahold of Dabi's hand, physically reassuring herself that the man wasn't a fragment of her imagination.

Looking into her misty gray eyes, Dabi's heart clenched at the realization that those bitches had broken his little vampire both physically and mentally.

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