aɪ | thirteen

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Kiara was excited to see the outcome of the video that they just shot. Jungkook was hardworking and it was shown by the way he learned the choreography the previous day of the actual video. Misun was with Taehyung for the day and it broke Jungkook's heart to not be with her. Jungkook wanted to do this not only for himself but for his daughter. He wanted to surprise her with his dancing even if he was insecure about it.

"Stop doing that."

Jungkook snapped his head to look at Kiara, "Doing what?"

"Doubting yourself," Kiara said as she took a good look at him, "look at me." Jungkook sighed before he turned his head to look at Kiara. "You were amazing and I know, we know, that Misun is going to love this. I can already picture her doing the dance."

Jungkook moved his hands to cover his red cheeks that were blushing profoundly, "Stop trying to flatter me." Kiara chuckled and took both of Jungkook's hands in hers. It was only them in the dance studio and Jungkook wasn't trying to get home just yet.

"I had so much fun dancing to your song," Kiara told him with her hand enveloped in his, "I love the song so much and I love choreographing a dance to this song. To say that I created choreography with one of the best people in my life is a huge accomplishment. You're the first artist I've got to work with so thank you, Jungkook."

Jungkook smiled and got up from the floor, "Do you want to come over? I think Misun will be happy to see you."

Kiara nodded as she grabbed her bag and the keys to the studio, "Yeah, let's go." After Kiara locked up, the pair walked hand in hand to Jungkook's house. "I have clothes in this bag, may I take a shower?"

"Yeah, Taehyung should be dropping Misun over in a few minutes."

After Kiara took a shower in the guest room and got dressed, she met Jungkook that was in the living room with Misun and Taehyung. "Oh, you're back from the bathroom!" Jungkook said before Misun ran into Kiara's arms.

Kiara was taken back as she wrapped her arms around Misun, "Yes, I am back. I wasn't gone for too long."

"Hi, KiKi!" Misun nearly yelled in Kiara's ears which made Kiara flinch then chuckle.

"Hey Sunny, I missed you a lot!"

Jungkook watched as Misun led Kiara to the couch and to the ballerina doll that Kiara gifted Misun for her birthday. Jungkook stared at Misun pointing at the fashion kit that Taehyung gave her before Kiara carefully retrieved it.

"Why are you staring?"

Jungkook was startled by Taehyung's question before turning to him, "I wasn't staring."

"Yes, you were," Taehyung chuckled before elbowing Jungkook, "you really like her, don't you?"

Jungkook bit his lip before turning his head to look at Kiara and Misun who were designing clothes for the door, "She's just so amazing, Hyung. I don't know what to do most of the time I'm around her." Jungkook made sure he was speaking low enough for Kiara not to hear him.

"Just follow your heart, Jungkook." Taehyung advised before he went over to Misun and Kiara to say his goodbyes.

"It was nice seeing you again." Kiara said to him before left.

"You too, Kiara!"

Once Taehyung left, Jungkook joined Kiara and Misun as they were both finishing up the light yellow dress they were making the doll. Misun named the doll Clara based on the Nutcracker player they watched.

"C'mon Misun we need to freshen up," Jungkook said as he stood from the couch and extended his hand out, "then we could cook something."

"Come KiKi!"

Kiara at first shook her head and told Misun to just go with her dad and she'd stay in the living room. Misun was persistent in getting what she wanted though so Kiara trailed behind them. It was her first time inside of Jungkook's master bedroom and she was amazed at how it was decorated.

"We'll be back," Jungkook said as he picked up Misun and walked towards the bathroom in his room, "you could watch TV if you want."

Kiara sat on the edge of Jungkook's bed with her phone in hand to just stroll through the web. It wasn't until Kiara heard her name being called out by Misun that she reluctantly followed the voice. Jungkook had Misun in his arms with her body wrapped in a towel and his lower half wrapped in a towel. Kiara could tell that Jungkook had boxers underneath the towel though as they were lipping a Maroon 5 song. It was too cute of a moment to not record.

Kiara was sure that her happy place was with those two.

It was Jungkook's first time at MNET's building and he had to owe it all to Namjoon. Namjoon was able to get Jungkook booked for promos for three weeks straight and it was important. Jungkook had the opportunity to share his music with the world and connect with the audience. He convinced Kiara to be by his side so they could perform it together. Kiara agreed in a heartbeat and even got good backup dancers for the performances.

"You ready to get out there and kill it?" Kiara asked Jungkook as they were backstage.

He smiled at her, "I'm more excited than nervous, so yes."

Jungkook performed his title track confidently which went well in his favor because the audience all applauded him when he was done. Right after the performance, Kiara gave him a huge smile. "They loved you out there," she told him as she gathered her stuff, "Korea's new IT boy."

Jungkook blushed as he received a water bottle from Namjoon, "Please." Kiara grinned at him as Namjoon teased him for his blushing. The three of them maintained a friendly conversation until there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

One of the directors peeked their head in, "Hello, sorry to interrupt you guys. Jungkook, we're ready to interview you now."

Jungkook nodded and blinked a feefewmes, "Oh okay. Thank you!"

Kiara waited until the director left to say her goodbyes to Namjoon and Jungkook, "I better get going. Thank you both for this opportunity and I'll see you both soon."

"I'm sure Jungkook will see you soon." Namjoon winked as Kiara let out a chuckle and Jungkook was blushing profoundly. "Stay safe, Kiara."

"You too, Namjoon." Kiara squeezed Namjoon's shoulder then poked Jungkook's bicep. "Good job today, superstar."

Once Kiara left the room, Jungkook let out a huge smile as his hands rested on his cheeks. "Am I still blushing?"

"Yes," Namjoon laughed as he walked towards the door, "c'mon. It's time for the interview."

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