Prolauge- Virgil

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Tw: Abuse, death, suicide, bullying, really shitty parenting, swearing.

"WHERE ARE YOU BOY" My dad's angered voice yells from the hall way. I'm hiding under the bed praying that dad won't find me. The door slams open and I flinch. " I seeeeee yooou." He speach is slurred and his movements are wobbly. I'm terrified out of my mind right now. I wish Rose was still here. She always protected me from dad's attacks. She had the right Idea though, escaping and joining mum in the afterlife. I hope shes happy now.
He pulls me out from under the bed by my hood, and I am hit by the most horrible smell ever. His breathing is heavy and his breaths smells like achol and he just smells bad all round. "Why are you hiding from your dad?" He has a evil smile planted on his face. "Cuz your breath smells so bad." I retort.

Bad idea.

He slaps me once. Then twice. He drops me and kicks me repeatedly. That's gonna leave a bruise. But through all of that, I refuse to cry. I refuse to let out a single sound of pain. I refuse. He kicks me in the face and whispers "Good night" before picking me up and slamming me against the wall.

You deserved that. YOU are a piece of worthless trash


"C'mon! Do something! Fight back, I don't care! Just do something! Why. Won't. You. Break!" Each word was accompanied by a kick. "No thanks. I'd rather just lie here while being kicked and beat up." I mutter in a monotone voice. This happen quiet regularly and after getting beat up by my dad since I was 6 and this guy since I was in year 5, so I've gotten used to it. "Leave him alone." Oh, great. This guy. "Heyyy Roman! How ya dooin'?" He smiles nervously. I hate Roman and I'm sure the feelings mutual. We used to be friends, but now he's just a plain old dick. "Want the final blow?" He gesture to my limp body, while I'm trying to sit up. "Go ahead. Make it quick will you." I I sigh, basically giving up on life.

You deserve everything you get.

He kicks me and I barely flinch. I fall to the ground and watch as they walk out of the bathroom where they dragged me in. Everything went dark.


"Virge? Virgil!" I wake up to see a face very close to me. I jump up, "Yep, awake! Alive and breathing!" I say sarcastically. I almost imedently collapse again, when Patton catches me. " You need to stop getting beat up. You're gonna have some serious scars when you're older." He says worried. "Patton, the correct word is going to. Not 'gonna'." A boy from behind Patton says. "Who's he?" I question. "This is Logan! He's in my English class. Logan's this is Virgil!" Logan holds out his hand and I reluctantly shake it.

"Do you wanna grab some lunch?" Patton says with enthusiasm. "Want to, Patton." Logan corrects him. "Sure." I didn't have any lunch, but i wasn't about to tell Patton that. I've kept my secret for 10 years, I'm not planing to let it slip now. Even if it means lying.

Lying is bad, Virgil. Why wont you tell the  truth? The fact that your father is an abusive piece of shit, that beats you to a pulp and never gives you any food to eat.

"Virgil? Helloooo? Earth to Virgil?" Patton waved his hand in front of my face and I snap out of my trance. "Hmm? What did you say?" I ask Patton. Logan looks at me weirdly. "I said where is your lunch. I haven't seen you eat in weeks. At least at school." He says with a concerned face. "Nah, I'm fine. Just never have time to pack it in the morning." I lie through my teeth. They both look unconvinced, but decided to leave it.

The rest of the day seems to drag along. As I walk back to the shit hole I call home, my mind starts to wander.

I wonder if you can shut me up.

At first, it seemed like a bad idea. Then it grew on me. I wonder. Cut to months later, Patton accidently lifts my sleave up and there is a bunch of cuts. "Excuse me, what the fuck is that?" Patton rarely swears. When he does, he is extramly angery, sad, or concered. I fucked up. I try to pull my hand back into my pocket, but Logan catches it before I can. "Virgil, it's not good to cut your self. It can leave some serious scars when your older." Logan says with a concerned voice. Its very rare he shows emotions, but when he does, he is seriously concerned. "Who says I'm gonna be older." I mutter under my breath as the final bell rings. Finally. I've been planing for this for months.

More like asking yourself if it's the right thing to do.

Yeah, that is the reason I'm doing it. To escape the voices. There's nothing waiting for me at home but pain, and I'm sure everyone at school hates me. Patton just pretends, like how he pretends to be happy. And Logan has an obvious crush on him, and just follows what he does. They'd make a cute couple.

I push through the crowd, hearing Patton and Logan yell after me. I wipe the silent tears from my face and make it to the cross walk. "Virgil! Wait don't do it!" Patton yells after me. I see a bus turn the corner down the street. I turn to face Patton who is running to me.


"Hey Patton


I just wanted wanted to let you know


I hope you can live a happy life


Knowing that what I'm about to do


Is for the best. You see,


My home is pretty shit. So please forgive and forget about me.


And know


I think that


You and Logan


Would make a cute couple."
I yell to Patton and before he can reach me, I take a step back.


"WAIT!" Was the last thing heard before I got hit by the bus. Then I am consumed by darkness and I feel free.

For about 4 seconds. Then it feels like I'm plumiting to the ground. "Ahhhhhh!" I fall through some.... tree branches? Then I hit the ground with a thud.

"What the dragon witch was that?!" I hear a familiar voice.


Chapter 1! Hope you like it! This book is about the early days of Virgil's exsitance and what might of happend. Love ya, bye.

-an Aussie Unicorn!

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