Chapter 7- Virgil

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Tw: Eating difficulty, vomit, Swearing


Getting Patton to eat. If what they said before was true, then this should be a challenge. Once Patton and Roman finished making dinner, we all sat down at the table. I noticed Roman gave himself a smaller amount then everyone else. Patton gave himself none. Logan grabbed two bowels and gave one to Patton, "At least eat a little bit. Please?" He said in a very concerned voice. Patton sighed, but kept his smile up, "I'm fine, Logan!" logan just raised an eyebrow as Patton tried to convince him that he was eating, "I'm eating! I promise!" To prove it, Patton attempted to eat all of the pasta within seconds. With every swallow, he looks like he is in more and more pain. 

"Patton, mabey slow down a bit. We believe you, you're eating." I try to get him to slow down, but I now notice he looks a bit pale. He swallows the last piece and tries to give us a convincing smile. Granted it is a sickly, paled, fake smile, but a smile non-the-lest. "You okay, Patt?" Logan asks, and Patton nods contently. I don't buy it. Nor does Roman or Logan by the looks of it. Roman stands up with his nearly untouched plate and goes to pick up everyone else's since we are all finished. He tries to keep his plate above our heads so no one can see how little he has eaten, but I notice it. Logan is too worried about Patton and Patton seems to about to throw up. He must not have eaten in a while, at least that much, that fast. The good thing is that he ate before it became too bad as a problem. As for Roman...

The chating of the others knocks me out of my daze. Then I realise, I might need to go home. "I'll see you guys later!" I wave and head for the door. For a second there, I felt like I was back in school, waving goodbye to my friends at the end of the day, hoping that I survive the night. When I was friends with Roman. That was before high school. Before I made that stupid, stupid mistake. Before I let my guard slip. Before I heard them. Before I decided to step in front of that bus.

I sneak back through my window and head to my bed, slipping on my headphones, letting my thoughts get drowned out by the music. I've noticed that I haven't heard them as much as I did. Mabey they finally decided to leave me alone, but I doubt that is the case. I should worry so much. It's stupid. Mabey I'm stupid, nothing, a nobody, unneeded. I try to focus on my music, but they are too loud. Too much. Their words echo through my head as I try to sleep. What would Logan and Patton think? If they knew you were this pathetic. No. They are my friends. I think. Why do you only 'think'? Questioning 'friend' ship again, Virgil? And what would he think? The only one you actually want approval from. The one that- NopeNopeNopeNope. Not going down memory lane again. Besides, the only interest he showed was in hurting me, so fuck off and let me sleep. Fine. Good luck~~ What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Aaaand he's gone. Wow, thanks for the vague answer one of the random voices in my head.


Walking to the other mind palace, I let out a sigh. If we are all aspects of Thomas, then he got some real issues. Obviously some sort of eating difficulty or disorder, since both Patton and Roman don't eat that much, he might have slight depression, 100% heightened anxiety, and mabey a cutting issue, though I doubt it. I need to somehow help him. I want to meet him, but I can think of all the ways that can go wrong. Just thinking about it makes me anxious. I mean, that would kinda make sense, seeing as I'm Anxiety and all that.

Before I know it, I'm at the colourful castle and knocking on the red door. "Comming!" I hear Princey on the other side of the door. After a few seconds, he opens the door and his warm smile turned into a slight frown. "What do YOU want?" He spits out at me, "Nice to see you again as well." I mutter as I look behind him, "Where's Patton? Did you make sure he ate?" I ask, worried for my friend. "Yes, he ate some toast, Logan made sure he actually ate it. We know how to take care of our friend." He sighs, sick of my worry. I just raise an eyebrow, "Did YOU eat?" I ask, recalling last night that he barely touched his food. His eyes widen in shock, and he looks scared for a Miller second. "Wh-what are you talking about? Of course, I ate. W-why wouldn't I?" He stutters, trying to keep his composure. "I noticed you barely ate last night. Thought I might just check." I shrug and push past him, looking for Patton. He closes the door behind me and stutters, "I-I  did eat last night! Y-your just crazy." I turn to face him with one of the most 'sure you did' look on my face I can muster up.

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