Chapter 1- Virgil

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"What in the dragon witch was that!"
A voice says. I've heard that voice before. I sit up and see him. He looks different though. In stead of reddish brown hair and green eyes, he has chocolate brown hair and eyes. He's tall and has broad shoulders, which isn't much different from before, except now, he has a prince outfit on. His facial fetures are almost identical, but he has a less chissled jaw line and more of a rounded face. He's cute. No no no. This is the dude who would beat you to a pulp. But is it though?

The Princey look-alike comes out from the other side of the tree. "By the horn of a unicorn! There is something here. Or should I say someone." Princey starts to walk over to where I'm dazed and confused. "Wait for meeee!" He is followed by  a duplicate of him self. But with a black and green outfit instead of a red, white and gold one and has a white streak in his hair. And a mostauch? I'm so confused.  "Ummm, who are you?" I start to back up a bit. This guy even sounds like the one at home. Where even am I? Is this the afterlife? Why are people who didn't die here then?

"Ohhhhh, so you're the new guy! I saw your door, and the book. So I'm  guessing, you're Anxiety!" Mostauch man pushes Princey out the way and offers me a hand. I stand up and ignore his hand.  "I'm Remus by the way!" He practicly screams at me. " And this is..." Remus is cut of by Princey,
"Prince Roman." He does an over dramatic hand gesture and holds out his hand to shake. I keep my hands in my pocket. Sensing that i wasnt going to shake his hand, he droped it. "So whaccha doing?"Remus asks. I shrug my shoulders. "Can you speak?" Now, here, is a very easy choice. I can either avoid any and all social situations, or I can talk to this seemingly over confident, annoying, loud, cute, hamson Prince.

I shake my head slightly. So from now on, I can't speak. At least in front of these two. "Oh. Okay then! Do you want to join us on our adventure?" I shake my head. Remus seems super nice. Princey seems up him self. "How about this. I take you to your room. Then I come back for some adventure. K?" He looks at Princey, who agrees and me who nods shyly. "Okay, here we go!" And he picks me up bridal style and starts to sink?

We pop up in front of a beautiful black door, with purple accents and I hope this is my room. As if reading my mind, Remus says, "This is you're room!" I give a slight nod as he puts me down, and leaves. I walk into the room and am hit by one of the most beatiful rooms ive ever seen. There's a desk with a phone and good quality looking head phones, might be wireless or noise cancelling by the looks of it. There's a dresser with an encloser  on it. With a spider in it. I always wanted a pet spider, they're pretty cute. The floor is black hard wood, and the walls are a purple, almost black sort of colour. All of the furniture match the floor and so do the doors. I walk into what I assume is a bathroom, and see black tiled floors, and a amazing purple accent tile that shows up along the top, which reaches up to about to the bottom of the mirror. The walls are painter the same colour and there is a black marble sink, with streaks of white and purple. Its all so beatiful.

I take a good look in myself in the mirror. I look completely different. Instead of dark brown hair, I've got purple hair. I've got chocolate brown eyes with big really dark bags under them, which is the same as before. Instead of a frail and skinny frame, I'm short, frail looking, and skinny. Wow, thanks. I also notice my outfit changed. Not a lot. But a bit. Instead of a planing black hoodie, I've got a black hoodie with really faint dark grey lines. I check if my cuts are still there. Only the scars are.

I walk over to my desk and grap the phone and headphones and lay on my impossibly soft bed. I put on the head phones and put on some MCR (My Chemical Romance). I let the music flo2 through my ears at full blast. It's so loud, that I didn't hear pounding on my door. I didn't hear some yell for me to open the door. Then I heard a tiny voice.

"ANXIETY! OPEN THIS DOOR THIS SECOND OTHER WISE YOURE GONNA NEED TO SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN TONIGHT!" I take off my head phones and hear the angry voice. I rush up and open the door, shaking with my hood up. "Finally! I've only been calling you for a few seconds." Says a man with a half snake face. He has a bowler hat  and a cape of sorts. Under his hat is a thick crop of dark brown hair and has a yellow snake eye. I'm shaking even more violently. "Oh, don't stop shaking. I'm Deciet, by the way." Snake man holds out his hand. Why does everyone want to shake my hand? I stay behind the door. "Okay, not awkward what so ever. We're having pizza if you want any, just come out when you're ready." He walks away and I go back to listening to my music. What's pizza? Curious, I walk out, still listening to my music, and find the kitchen when there are two boxes with pizza written the top.

I pick up a slice of triangular piece bread and cheese and take a bite. It's good. Better than anything I've ever had. I find a plate, grab a few slices and went back to my room. I scroll through a website called Tumblr and stay up. I keep trying to go to sleep, but no matter what I do, I can't sleep. Mabey a walk might make me feel better.

I sneak through the house (I think it's a house) and find a door to the outside. Opening the door, I hear foot step going towards the kitchen. It's like 2am! Why aren't they asleep? I mean, I can't really talk, cause I'm awake to. Whatever. I silently open the door. As soon as I'm outside and the door is closed, I sprint. I don't know where to, but to somewhere. I find my self back at the tree, where I fell from the sky. Why did I fall from the sky?

Sit down and lean against the tree trunk and breathe a sigh of relief. Then I hear another person crying from behind me. On the other side of the tree.


Word count: 1176

Aaand chapter 1! I hope you like it, chapters may come out slowly, but i will attempt once on the weekend and one during the week.

Love ya
- an Aussie Unicorn <3

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