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Lucy had a lot of fun at the dinner, mainly talking with Rosalie and Emmett unless someone else asked her a question. She stayed for a few hours after, sitting on the Cullens deck with a glass of coke as Emmett told her jokes.

"Hello?" She answered her phone with a chuckle at something rosalie had said.

"So you're having fun," Paul commented, rather annoyed that she was actually having a good time with them.

"Am I not supposed to?" She stated playfully. "I mean you were the one who urged me to go."

"Im naturally drawn to hate them little wolf." Emmett making a fake gaging noise as he heard Lucy's nickname. "And tell Emmett to shut up." Paul snapped unintentionally making her roll her eyes with a giggle.

"I'll call you when I get home okay? I don't want you trying to start a fight through the phone." She murmured aware of jasper and alice coming outside behind her. "Probably won't be much longer."

"Alright, be safe." Paul chuckled and they said another quick goodbye when Carlisle came out onto the deck. He seemed out of his element as he walked up to Lucy as she hung the phone, Rosalie took one look at her adoptive father and went inside leaving just the three of them.

"Lucy, I was hoping we could talk about something." He seemed anxious and Lucy could only wonder why.

"Sure." She smiled, only comfortable because of Emmett still being there but he too seemed on edge.

"When you spoke with jasper earlier, something happened with your eyes." She immediately groaned. "Are you okay? You looked rather pale and your eyes were red."

"I feel great honestly. Never better actually. Why?"

"We just wondered," he played it off. "You know me, the always worried doctor." He awkwardly chuckled before heading back inside.

"That was weird." She mumbled, but thought nothing more of it, asking Emmett to drive her home as Bella would be staying later then she would.


The following morning Lucy woke up to a phone call from Sam, he was worried that something had happened at last nights dinner after Carlisle called him to see what had happened while they were away.

"So what did you tell them." She rubbed her eyes and yawned sitting up in her bed.

"I didn't tell them anything, it's none of their business unless you want it to be."

"Well thank you Sam, and are we still going to be training today?"

"Yeah, it's going to be just the two of us since Victoria is still making some appearances." Emily yelled something in the background making him chuckle. "The boys are getting a bit anxious to get out there so I should go. See you in a few hours?" She could heat the smile on his face.

"Of course, see you then. Oh and Sam?" She stopped him before he hung up. "Keep Paul out of trouble for me okay?" Paul yelled out in the background and even though it sounded like incoherent mumbles she still laughed at him.

"Will do. Be safe." The pair of friends hung up and Lucy got up for a quick shower before changing into a pair of black leggings and a white long sleeved shirt with a wolf on it that Embry had given her as a gag gift over Christmas and her chucks. She grabbed her backpack and grabbed a few extra changes of clothes and her Ugg Tasman slippers in case she stayed at Paul's like he wanted. As she made her way downstairs Charlie was waiting for her with a small wrapped gift in his hands.

"Hey dad." She smiled hugging him as she grabbed Paul's jacket she kept hanging up by the door.

"Hey lu. I have a surprise for you." He kept her away from the front door and any windows that allowed her to see out of the front of the house as he handed her the present. Smiling as she opened it she stopped in her tracks, a set of keys were placed neatly inside and she about died right then and there.

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