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"Get the fuck off of me!" She yelped as he slammed his fist into her stomach again. Her lip bleeding in several places, her eyes stung from the bruises that had already started forming. He had woken her up only ten minutes ago by punching her in the stomach repeatedly, switching between her face and stomach.

"You aren't getting away again!" He snapped, his hands shaking from the pent up rage he had been holding onto all this time. "I'm going to kill you, just like my dreams." He seemed to relish at the thought of it, her blood on his hands. The feeling of her life draining out of her and into the nothingness of the ether, her eyes glassing over and the loud cries of Paul as he realized he lost her.

"You're delusional." She growled her wrists and ankles stinging from the rope now digging into her skin as she resisted against them. He only huffed back and slammed her into the ground, no not the ground, a bed, before walking out of the room, locking the door behind him. Once alone she looked around the empty room, the only thing here was the bed she now was forced to lay on. With a huff, she laid back willing her powers to do anything, but it was like someone had flipped a switch and they were just gone. She willed herself to do anything, even just lift herself slightly, but nothing worked. "Great." She sighed. "Of all the times I need you." She murmured as he stalked back into the room, a large knife in his hands. Unaware of how much time has passed, or how long she had been here or when and if the pack would be coming for her. She couldn't rely on them, she couldn't rely on anyone but herself in this moment of time.

"Don't make a fucking sound." He snapped, pressing the knife up against her neck making her bleed, her scar now reopened.

"Get the fuck off of me you psychopath!" Snarling as she slammed her head against his sending him flying back into the wall.  Willing her powers to just do this one damn thing, the binds finally came undone around her wrists, quickly untying the one around her ankles before bolting. Running down the hallway and up the stairs into the main floor, looking around for only a moment and grabbing the heaviest thing she could, a red and black pipe wrench, she headed for the door. Turning it as slowly as she could, listening closely as he ran after her yelling her name as if that would make her stay and do whatever he wanted. She slammed the front door behind her unaware that the pack had left once they had heard Charlie and the whole police force was on there way, and even though she knew these woods like the back of her hand, she was disoriented. She took only a moment to look around and made her choice of escape, running as fast as she could go, her legs burned and begged her to stop but she kept going. The sound of the man running after her made her push faster until she tripped over a small log and skid into a small open field. It was dead now, but the remains of the flowers that used to live there were apparent.

"Gotcha!" He yelled and he snatched her up by her hair, a yelp leaving her lips as she extended her hand. The power she felt in that moment alone was enough to push her away from the man and into the middle of the field. "You little bitch." He snarled as a branch snapped in the tree line behind Lucy. She smirked, her hand raised as she closed it into a fist, the strange man choking on seemingly nothing as Sam sulked into the field. His teeth bared and a deep predatory growl in his chest as he saw Lucy, unaware of her new injuries as he couldn't see all of them. The back of her legs were lined with cuts from a razer and her arms looked like they had been carved into before she woke up.

"Sam." She called out as the rest of the pack joined them, heckles raised as Lucy raised her attacker in the air. "Do you want him?" She wanted nothing more than to torture him, make him feel helpless and alone, then safe again only for her to come back and do it again. The loud snarl was all she needed to hear, she had already known the answer, the pack wanted to rip him apart like they would a vampire. The wolves watched as she carefully brought the man closer, pushing him back towards the ground and onto his knees before letting him breathe again. The chill of the winter air finally getting to her as she began to shake, the adrenaline wearing off and the pain taking over.

"Lucy!" Charlie called out making the pack run back into the woods, the tree line hiding them well enough. "Put your hands where I can see them!" He snapped, his gun pointed at the man as the rest of his men joined him. They all focused on her attacker and only once he was being taken off in handcuffs by three cops would Charlie take his eyes away. "Are you okay lulu?" He wrapped his arms around her, her small frame shaking from the cold and her body ached.

"I'm fine now, I just want to go home." Her face was hidden away from the world as the pack joined them again, in human form and fully dressed.

"We should get you checked out first," Sam spoke up, Paul a step behind him per his orders. "Dr. Cullens waiting for us at his home."

"I'll take her," Charlie demanded rather than suggested, and she didn't mind. "You'll meet us there?"

"Of course." Sam agreed, even though Lucy knew that only Sam would be allowed in their territory.


"You were very brave." Carlisle smiled as he stitched up the reopened wound on her neck.

"Was I?" Sam hadn't shown up yet, but Carlisle had told her he was allowed to come if it was just him.

"Don't doubt yourself." He reassured her. "You did something that a lot of other people wouldn't be able to do. You fought back against your attacker and got away."

"I'm not like other people Carlisle," she bit her lip. "What if I didn't have powers? Would I even be sitting here right now?" He places down the suture and thread, now finished, and took a step back.

"You're the strongest human I know." He smirked. "I know for a fact that you can survive anything." She couldn't help but smile back at him, thinking maybe he was right.

"Thank you." She murmured as Sam walked into the large office. "Sam." Her smile widened, her body visibly relaxing as he stood next to her. Her eyes were black and blue, but the swelling had gone down slightly but it was still hard for even Sam to look at.

"How do you feel?" He held her small hand in his own, Paul had wanted to come, more like demanded to. But he knew seeing her like this could cause him to shift if one of the Cullens has said the wrong thing on accident, so he left him at the territory line with strict instructions to not cross until he was told otherwise.

"I'm better now, where's Paul?" She asked looking behind him and at the door as if he would magically appear.

"He's at mine right now, strict orders to keep the rest in line."

"That's an impossible job." The trio chuckling at the thought of Paul trying to his best to wrangle the pack and failing. "I'm sure Emily will help him." Her smile faltered slightly at the thought. "Is she okay?"

"She's perfectly fine, a little shaken but thanks to you she's okay."

"I didn't do anything, I just gave her a chance to run." She shrugged.

"You did what was right," Carlisle interjected. "You saved a loved one, you made sure she wouldn't be harmed."

"I just feel like I could have done more. And if my powers had been working at that stupid cabin I wouldn't be this messed up." Carlisle's brow furrowed.

"What do you mean they didn't work in the cabin?"

"It was like a switch had been flipped and my powers wouldn't work, I had to concentrate harder then I've ever had before just to get out of my binds. It wasn't until I was out in the field that I felt like I had full control again." He contemplated for a moment before grabbing a vile and another needle.

"I'm going to take a blood sample okay?" Only nodding in response and holding out her arm as he tied the tourniquet around it. "Sam, where is the cabin located?"

"It's out in woods between our territory's, we can show you where it is." The two nodded in agreement as he finally took the blood sample.

"You should get her home, I'm sure Charlie is still very worried about her."

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