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Lucy's eyes opened to a dimly lit room, her father's hand holding her as she slept. Her side was sore but she was glad it wasn't hurting as much as before, Charlie stirring as she sat up in her bed.

"Hey," He smiled, his voice full of sleep. "How do you feel? Do you want me to get a nurse?"

"I'm alright for now, daddy." She whispered her throat dry and itchy. "I'm so sorry." She began to cry as emotions washed over her. "I'm so so sorry." A panic attack coming out of nowhere as she realized she may have killed someone, even if that person was a complete piece of shit.

"Hey, hey. It's okay baby, you did nothing wrong." She shook her head multiple times as the tears kept falling.

"I..I stabbed him, I hurt him because I thought he was going to do something to me and then kill me. Daddy, I'm sorry, I won't go out alone again." Charlie shushed her and sat in the bed next to her.

"Baby, you aren't in any trouble okay? It was self-defense, and we are going to catch this son of a bitch and put him away for a long time. Okay? He won't be able to hurt you again." She only nodded as a nurse came into the room to tell them a doctor would be there soon.

"Where's Bella?" Lucy asked after finally looking around the room.

"Uh, she's at the house. She didn't want to come." Lucy chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Of course she didn't."

"Paul came by to ask about you last night," Lucy's heart began to race at the thought of Paul. "I went home to grab a few things to stay the night and he showed up wanting to know if you were okay. He said you were supposed to call him when you were leaving the port but never called."

"Has he been here?" Charlie shook his head no.

"Not yet, it was after visiting hours but he said he would be back first thing this morning."

"Good morning Lucy." Her doctor smiled as he walked into the room, Jena by his side. "How are you feeling?"

"A bit sore, my throats really dry."

"I'll go get you some ice water." Jena smiled as she walked back out.

"I'm gonna check you over real quick and see about getting you out of here sometime today, how does that sound?"

"That sounds great doc." She smiled, thanking Jena as she handed her a cup, taking a sip before talking again. "I take it my stab wound wasn't that bad." The doctor shook his head.

"No, it wasn't as deep as we first thought and it missed anything important. Charlie, would you mind giving us a moment?" Her father hesitated for a moment before nodded and heading out into the hall, the door closing behind him.

"We had to stitch up the wound on your neck, but you're fine. You will be in some pain, your throat will hurt for a few days and once it starts to heal on its own the stitches will dissolve."

"And the stitches on my side?"

"You'll need to come back in a week, well check and see how it's healing. You'll have a few check-up appointments to make sure everything is healing properly and you don't have any other issues. If it any point to area around the wound becomes red, please do not hesitate to come back. It's better to be safe rather then sorry, so if you feel like something isn't right or it doesn't look right please come back and we can make sure it's not infected."

"Okay.." she nodded, she wished this whole situation hadn't even happened. She wished she had just stayed home and waited for Emily to have another free day. But she couldn't change it now, no matter how much she wanted too.

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