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Bella's screams carried throughout the house as Lucy frantically tried to call Carlisle. Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett had gone out to finally hunt and bring something back for the others. They needed their energy for when Bella went into labor, which was happening a lot faster than anticipated, but they couldn't help it. She had told them weeks ago that they should have been hunting, she had come up with a plan to distract the pack long enough for them to find some things and make it back. But they didn't want her in the middle of anything so they declined and waited until it was absolutely necessary.

"Just hold on a little longer Bella." She whispers. "They'll be here soon." She hoped. Jacob had come over to hear the names Bella had picked out depending on if it was going to be a boy or a girl. She was holding her cup of blood while both Alice and Rose supported her when she dropped it and when trying to pick it up she fell too. It had been an accident, but that accident made something happen and that something was causing the baby to come now. Lucy paced outside of the room frantically as she dialed Carlisle's number again, finally getting an answer.

"Lucy." He sounded out of breath but she couldn't wait any longer.

"You guys need to get here, now!" She panicked. "Bella's having the baby and we need you" Emmett cursed in the background and she could hear the wind whipping around them as they ran.

"Tell me what happened." So she did, she blurted everything out as fast as she could and closed her eyes when he to cussed under his breath. "We may not make it in time, but we will be there as soon as we can okay? I promise." He hung up the phone and sprinted faster, Lucy prayed nothing would hold them up, especially since the pack was patrolling the woods. She had been so wrapped up in getting to Carlisle she hadn't even realized Bella was no longer screaming in pain until Jacob was running past her.

"Jacob?" She ran after him after seeing Bella lay stiff and unmoving in the hospital bed, trying to stop him but he wouldn't let her. "Jake what happened, tell me what happened!" She yelled frantically as he ran out the back door, Lucy still hot on his trail when he fell to the forest floor in tears. "Jake?" She cradled him as he continued to cry, her heart beating a million miles a second. "What happened?" She whispered.

"She didn't make it." His words stole the breath out of her lungs as she choked on nothing. "She didn't make it Lucy." He cried, pulling her closer as they both broke down, the two holding onto one another as they felt the pain of losing Bella. While the sisters were no longer close, or really on good terms at all, she still held love for her even if Bella didn't, and this loss hurt and she didn't even want to think about how Charlie would handle it all. A sharp whine was heard from further into the forest, the two friends not looking up, Jacob knew it was Paul. He crawled over to them, trying to show them that he wasn't here as a threat and Lucy gasped when she saw him still in wolf form. He whined again and nuzzled into her slightly she latched onto him, a blubbering mess and she tried to tell him that Bella had died although he already knew.

"Get away from her!" Emmett yelled as the trio finally reached the house, Carlisle headed inside with Esme as Emmett stopped close to Lucy and Jacob.

"Emmett, don't." Lucy pleaded as she held onto Paul.

"You know why he's here." He snapped. "Now that Bella's dead they're going after the baby," Paul growled at Emmett as if to say that's not why he was here. "I said get away from her." Emmett snapped again as the packed stalked out of the woods, Sam was growling, clearly pissed off as Lucy backed away.

"Please don't do this," Lucy begged. "You don't need to do this. Please." Her eyes remained solely on Sam as he stalked closer, the rest of the pack seemed to hesitate, stuck in their place once she had begged them. "It's just a baby," she cried. "Please you don't need to kill her too!" She yelled out, Paul nipping at her clothes trying to hold her back as she got up and took a step forward, thankfully Emmett took notice and placed a hand on her shoulder. Sam only growled again as he got closer, either unaware that his pack was no longer following him or he didn't care. "Don't make me fight you Sam please." She begged again, desperate for them to leave them alone and to let the child live. The rest of the Cullens, minus Rosalie had come outside and were waiting for whatever it was, to happen, Lucy desperately trying to stop it.

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