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The Queendom of Falena is a prosperous country governing a vast geography of land. It borders the New Armes Kingdom by land and sea in the east-southeast, the Nagarea Theocracy by land in the southwest, and the Island Nations Federation by sea in the north-northeast.

The Falenan Royal Family

Falena's form of government is constitutional monarchy and it is ruled by a Queen, going against the usual 'kingdom' monicker. The husband of the Queen is not considered as a King but is given the position of Commander of the Queen's Knights. The said Knights are considered Falena's finest warriors and acts as special officers equivalent go a general to regular soldiers in times of war. At times of peace, the Queen's Knights main job is to act as bodyguards to the royal family. As such, the Royal Family and the Queen's Knights reside in the Sun Palace located at the capital.

Only female royalties can have a claim to the throne. The title is passed from mother to eldest daughter. If the queen did not produce any heir due to having only male children or she's unable to bear children, the eldest living princess shall take the crown. In this regard, all princesses born from the royal family are trained to be a future queen.

Male royalties are not regarded highly due to their incapacity to claim the throne. As such, they live a more carefree life and are generally free to travel the world. Officially, they can be sent as envoy of the throne within or even outside Falena; Or if upon discretion of the crown, they may be given other official functions depending on the prince's skills and aspirations.

All future spouses of royalties are chosen through the Sacred Games organized for each of them. The Sacred Games is a battle tournament where the winner will earn the right to join the royal family through matrimony. All interested individuals to join the Sacred Games shall apply and be subsequently screened by a committee. They may fight personally or may elect a champion to fight in their behalf.

Female royalties will live with their husbands at the Sun Palace until such time that they either succeed the throne or they pass away. Male royalties are traditionally wedded to other males to prevent unnecessary increase of the number of claiming heirs. This stemmed from the notion that the crown is passed from mother to daughter.

Falenan Government Structure

The seat of Falena's government is located in its capital, Sol-Falena, where governance of the Queendom is supplemented by the Senate, which is the primary policy making body. The Senate is composed of all noblility subject to the throne. National policies are then pushed down to local cities and villages through their respective leaders/representatives.

Most of these villages and cities are located beside the Feitas River which originates from the Ashtawal Mountains and spans all throughout Falena. Easy travel can be done by use of boat rides via Feitas. Those not beside the river can be accessed through land travel from ports nearest their location.


Falena's climate and culture is as vast as its geography. Sol-Falena is located strategically at the geographic-center. Making it a hub for travel within Feitas and commercial purposes. This location is also ideal as the last line of defense from invasion of foreign countries.

To its west, the cities of Stormfist and Doraat can be found which serve as the military training ground and barracks. Quick response by Feitas can be from here to support Sol-Falena.

To the north, the Holy land of Lunas is located. This is where the one in charge of the coronation of the new queen and the keeper of the Queendom's history and traditions resides. This person is given the title the Oracle. The water flowing from here comes from the Ashtawal Mountains and leads to the Feitas. This land is considered holy and is left undisturbed. Extraction of resources from here is punishable by death. It is rumored that an Elven Village is also located here.

To the east, the artists community of Haud Village can be found where the villagers engage in a variety creative pursuits. Further east is Rainwall City it acts as the first line of defense for Sol-Falena against foreign invasion coming from the east. It acts also as a rest area for foreign tourists and traders going to the capital as it is the city nearest the Revolving Bridge. Yashuna Village is a tourist destination famous for its bath houses. It's just a little south of Rainwall near Ceras Lake.

To the farthest east on the coast lies, Estrise Port City. It is the Falena's gateway to the sea and in charge of the security  and trade with foreign countries, New Armes Kingdom and Island Nations Federation respectively. Residents here are trained to become seafarers for Falena whether for travel or warfare.

To the south-east, in this arid region, the garrison city, Sable, guards the land border with New Armes Kingdom, a hostile nation who tried to invade Falena before. As such soldiers from this region are considered the fierces in Falena being in constant alert of foreign threat. Just a little north of Sable is Ranro Mountain, rumored to be the hideout of some bandits and a mythical beast.

To the south, harbors the agriculture inclined, Lordlake. It was built beside a lake where the Fietas ends. Fishing, farming, and hunting are the main industry here. A city built in betwwen islets in the Feitas called Lelcar can also be found here it bridges the east and west zones separated by the Feitas.

To the southwest, Sauronix Castle stands which is the headquarters of the Feitas Dragon Cavalry, an independent group whose loyalty is with Falena itself and will sortie only if there is foreign invasion. As such, they do not meddle in the political affairs of the nation. The all-male Gordius camp is also located here. It acts as the training ground of the cavalry for both soldier and mount.
Also, the land route connecting the Nagarea Theocracy and Falena can be found but it was destroyed by the Great Earthquake so the threat of the hostile nation is not severe. The Hershville Naval base, the supply camp of the military can be accessed through Port Spinacks.

An ethinic group of Feitas formed a mobile floating city composed of the interconnected boats and ships. It is called Rafleet. Its leader can be found in their flagship, Dahak. Most of the residents are fishermen, boatmen, or merchants. They usually move their location depending on the season.

Demi-humans also inhabit the land. Beavers can be found in Beaver Lodge near Ceras Lake. They are not particularly fond of humans. Dwarves can be found underground accessible through the Baska Mines. They are skilled craftsmen and miners.


Falena's prosperity is rumored to be due to the Queendom's possession of a True Rune, the Sun Rune. According to the legend, the first Falenan Queen descended in the Holy land of Lunas with the Sun Rune, the Dawn Rune, and the Twilight Rune attached to her forehead, right hand, and left hand respectively. With the blessing of one of the 27 True Runes, the country thrived, prospered, and secured its sovereignty since its founding.

Several ruins are scattered all throughout Falena. The nearest one to the capital is said to be the remnants of the Old Armes Kingdom, the nation who thrived in the same land before it was destroyed by its mad king using the Sun Rune.

Ruins left by the Sindar can also be found. One is in Ceras Lake which is dedicated to the Dawn Rune while another is dedicated to the Twilight Rune in Deep Twilight Forest. It has been theorized that a similar ruin cn be found in the Ashtawal Mountains dedicated to the Sun Rune.

Recent events

Due to the immediate passing of the Queen due to an illness and the mysterious death of the Queen's Knights Commander, a new Queen was crowned and a new Commander succeeded after the mandatory mourning period.

A Falenan Prince studying in a foreign land received summons from the new ruler to return home immediately. If it was just his sister who summoned him, he will just ignore it. But his sister is now the Queen, this message holds more weight now.

So with a heavy heart, he discontinued his plan of studying Runemastery in Harmonia. Anyway, he just graduated in Sodelt School of Military Science with honors. He'll just put off his plans for a while. Relent to his sister's request, then go back to studying.

With that, he packed his bags for Nirva Island where his escort to Falena will fetch him. He likes his carefree life since he doesn't have a claim to the throne.

But it seems fate has other plans for him and the threads of fate start to weave his destiny. It will start as soon as he set foots in his home country...

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