Trouble at Nirva Island - II

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Beam POV

The shadow stabbed me with a blade...

...or so it thought.

My illusion disappeared and I intensified the luminosity of my rune, casting Battle Oath on myself.

A/N: Reminder, I'm adding the ability to manipulate light with the Shield Rune. But it can only be used defensively such as creating a still illusion or controlled luminence. Battle Oath causes fury status, higher attack damage output in exchange for accuracy.

I attacked my assailant using my weapon, a short range chakram. Judging by its physique, it's a male. I danced my attack and pushed him back. I may be physically inferior in strength but my speed makes up for it. But tough luck! He was able to skillfully dodge all of my moves.

He began countering and pushed me back. A swift kick to the chest sent me flying to the wall. My assassin lunged after me, his blade leading the way. I shut my eyes in panic, I await the penetration of the cold blade.


"Are you alright?" I heard someone say.

I opened my eyes and was surprised to see a swordsman in deadlock with the assassin. "Y-yes..."

"Stay alert. Don't worry I'll protect you." He said without looking at me. The swordie raised his sword, ending their stalemate. But the assassin fought back and engaged my savior in battle.

"I don't know who you are masked man but I won't let murder happen in my presence

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"I don't know who you are masked man but I won't let murder happen in my presence." the swordie muttered and raised his sword to diffuse their second stalemate then sheathed it back.

The assassin jumped back and was about to attack again when he suddenly stopped on his tracks. His opponent was on his striking stance. Even by just looking, you know if you go in his striking distance you'll be dead.

Instead of attacking head on, the assassin leaped and threw knives in our direction, my protector deflected them with ease. He drew his blade in one swift motion and returned it to its scabbard. Throwing knives rendered inutile fell on the floor.

Seeing complete defeat in such an impregnable defense, the assassin fled without accomplishing his mission.

"Hey! Wait!" I shouted.

But the shadow just vanished in the darkness.

I sighed.

"Are you alright?" asked my savior.

"Y-yes. T-thank you so much for saving me." I answered. My knees buckled as I felt the effects of Battle Oath dissipated.

"Hey!" He held me in his arms to support me. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. This usually happens to me after exerting too much effort. I'm not fit to be a warrior after all." I responded trying to hold my ground to stand ip properly.

"Want me to help you get home?" he offered.

Should I trust him? Well he did save me. "I'm not from here. I'm staying at the Inn."

"That's great! I'm also going to the Inn to spend the night there too. Let's just go there together. That assassin may be just waiting his chance to strike again."

"Alright. Thank you very much."

"By the way, I'm Forth." He introduced himself.

"I... I'm Beam." I smiled as the moon came out to brighten our dark location.

Forth POV

A little bit earlier...

The ship from Obel arrived late afternoon in Nirva Island. We were delayed due to the monster infested waters of the area between the two islands. But nothing the fine knights of the Island Nations Federations can't handle.

I was travelling to Nirva as messenger in behalf of Prince Lazlo En Kuldes II to Princess Bernadette Egan, Ambassador to Falena. Unfortunately, her office was already closed by the time I arrived.

A/N: The Kingdom of Obel is the capital of the Island Nations Federation and one of its founding members. Lazlo En Kuldes is the protagonist of Suikoden IV. That's a spoiler for you! Haha!

"Well, at least I can have a breather." I thought.

I decided to explore the island since it was my first time here. Numerous merchants and performers all busily doing their businesses even as night approaches. Truly a port town, it was lively and a melting pot of cultures and trade.

I got lost in my wandering and was feeling a bit tired with the travel. I decided to retire for the night and looked for the Inn.

As I walked back to the direction of the port, I saw a peculiar flash of light down at the darker part of the island. With nothing else to do, I went down to investigate what it was.

From the top of stairs, I saw a ninja stab someone from the back. An assassin! I gripped my sword to assist the person with a glowing hand. I felt his malevolence from where I stood.

To my surprise, the body dissolved and the same person lept out attacking the assailant. Armed with a circular weapon, the person aggressively pushed back the assassin. It was very precise yet graceful attacks. It's as if it was a dance. I was in awe! Though the rune was shining immensely, I couldn't make out the image of the person.

The assassin began counter and the one in offensive before was now being pushed back. The assassin gave a mighty kick and his victim was thrown to the wall.

In a flash, I jumped in between them with my sword in hand, clashing with the assassin's blade. I asked the person was alright, which was affirmed.

"Stay alert. Don't worry I'll protect you." I said before swinging my blade upwards. The assassin and I engaged in a duel of blades until he had another stalemate

I swung my blade upward again to break free and returned it to it sheath. I performed a striking stance, my Killer Rune glowing in sync.

The assassin threw daggers aimed at us but I easily swiped them harmless. I let my killing intent flow and intimidate the assailant.

It escaped, even without accomplishing its mission. I dropped my guard as soon as I felt its malevolent aura disapper.

I asked the person with the glowing hand's knees buckled. So I held him in my arms. I offered to take him home and was told that he stays in the Inn.


"By the way, I'm Forth." I introduced myself.

What happened next made my heart jump. "I..." he stuttered.

"I'm Beam." As the moon shone its light on his angelic face.

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