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Thespa University stood proudly against the chaos and pestilence of the world. Where most everything else had faded or was destroyed, the University prevailed. Fifteen floors high with vaulted ceilings and stained glass windows at the top, a system of mirrors funneled light through the entirety of the building, all the way to the lower basements where only the most pedantic went. It was by far the oldest standing building in the city, and the known world as far as anyone could tell. University colors flew from the poles and it stood as a beacon of hope in the otherwise despoiled world. The city of Thespa expanded around it as roots from a tree. All life was brought to the center and it in turn provided protection for all beneath it. The center for education and government, the university housed all positions of authority in the city.

Simple and economical in design, the insides of the university were metal, constructed with techniques none living had witnessed. The outside was constructed of stone and mortar, resistant against time and the bouts of burning rain that cleared the town of all business save for the insane or desperate. Luckily, there weren't many left in the city who could be called desperate.

A full five hundred people occupied the premises on a given day, though it would be a stretch to say the university bustled. There weren't enough people for that. There weren't enough people for many things.

Havlik stood with his back toward his class. Only six people, the class was still one of the larger ones at Thespa. The city itself was the largest in the land, a full forty thousand strong just within the walls, but with the scarcity of magic users, six was indeed a large class.

The chalkboard in front of Havlik was a puzzle of words and symbols, languages of old mixed with the ever evolving magic they wielded. This was the honors healing class, one of the more complex magics in existence. He turned back to the students, their dark skin, like his own, in stark contrast with the white walls of their room.

"Okay, who can tell me the five main elements of a basic healing spell?" He looked around eagerly, waiting for the first indication of an answer. Josel, a young girl in the front, shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "Josel. What do you think?"

It was too disrespectful for Josel to glower at Havlik, one of the most renowned wizards at Thespa, but her body language definitely showed a lack of appreciation at being called out.

"Water, fire, body, spirit..." she trailed off, struggling to come up with the last element. Havlik began a mental count before he'd give the final answer.

"Time," someone said in a soft but firm voice from the other side of the room. Havlik turned to see Erythum, Dean of Thespa, in the doorway. "Time," he continued, "is the most important element for a true healing." The man walked in and stood in front of the class. "It is easy to change things now, in the present, but for a true heal, sometimes the past must be made real. A missing finger can be made not just to reattach, but to never realize it was gone in the first place."

Havlik walked over to the dean and rested his right hand on the man's left shoulder, head bowed slightly, the most cordial of greetings. As he released and raised his head his eyes twinkled in mirth.

"Thank you, Dean Erythum, for stealing my thunder."

The dean smiled back and looked out at the students, and responded in his mild voice. "As thunderous as I am, yes. But I know this is your favorite lecture. If you get through it without a hiccup you'll be on cloud nine for the rest of the day and I need a focused Havlik teaching our youth. Wouldn't you agree students?"

All of them, save for Josel, laughed and nodded. Given the small class sizes, the intimacy level was such that all could share in a laugh at another's expense without them feeling put out, just so long as there was no ill intent. Havlik chuckled along with them.

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