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Sarah coughed herself awake, a putrid stench invading her nostrils, a dream of birds and giant lizards and metal people interrupted by burning flesh and hair. She was alone in her room, shades drawn to keep out the morning light and let her rest from her considerable exertions the day before. She looked to the door, a light under the crack letting her know the household was up and about. She would have preferred to wake to the smell of biscuits or fruit, not that anyone could easily get ahold of fruit, but she didn't begrudge the present smell too much. Some things were necessary for the greater good.

She rolled out of bed, nimbly picking out her clothes for the day. The wardrobe was always full, house servants replacing dirtied outfits with a mix of cleaned and new items. Her adoptive mother didn't spoil her per se, Sarah couldn't just get anything she desired, but she also wasn't left wanting for anything. Her mood today called for utilitarian clothes, simple breeches and a shirt. Some days she felt like dresses, others like pajamas. As always though she needed a broad hat, something to give her face plenty of shade. A shadow passed by the window and she stole a glance at the sky, cloudless and bright like usual, looking for the elusive bird that must have flown by. Birds were very rare and she enjoyed the chance to spot them. Her attention wavered though as the aroma passed her nose again. Clothes donned in a rush, Sarah started her way to the smell.

No sooner had she opened the door was she interrupted by Air. The woman wore riding clothes, brown pants and boots with a green loose-fitting top promising a day outdoors. Sarah had known a trip to the training grounds was on the agenda for the day, but Air's attire hinted at a longer excursion than that. The older woman looked down at Sarah and smiled. For the last seven years Air had been her tutor, one of her many tutors, but Sarah's favorite by far. Sarah reached her hand out and up, resting it on the woman's shoulder, and bowed her head. Returning the greeting, Air turned and walked with Sarah down the hallway.

"Good morning Sarah, recovered from yesterday's work?" A few inches taller, Air walked always with confidence, chin up and shoulders back. In finer dresses, her fluid movement made her appear to float, no bouncing or bobbing in her gait. Her present attire had that same confidence, but in a rougher sense. No matter the place Air would always fit in. Sarah, as is true for many other thirteen-years-olds, was not so graceful.

"Yes ma'am. I think I could probably do even more today." Sarah wasn't sure that was necessarily true, but she liked to strut her stuff whenever possible. Yesterday she had channeled the most magic she'd even done, creating thousands of soldiers throughout the course of the day. It was taxing, but with how strong she was becoming soon even that number would be minuscule compared to when she reached her potential.

"Is that so?" Air asked with a sly grin, telegraphing the upcoming jest. "I'm not sure I believe you." Sarah gave an exaggerated pouty face before sharing in Air's smile. "Before we test it out though, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

At the end of the hallway Air opened the door to a small room filled with books and an antique globe. Sarah'd only read a few of them, select ones that were helpful for her training, but she knew they were all very important. A red carpet with gold floral designs covered the floor and four arm chairs sat in a large circle. Her adoptive mother sat in one and a man she'd never met sat in another. Her mother, as always, looked calm and in control. He seemed very agitated. Air walked Sarah over to the man.

"Sarah," Air said, "this is Rigen, he's one of the wizards from the university." Sarah kept the frown from her face and reached out and formally greeted him. Rigen hesitantly returned the gesture. Either something about this place was bothering him or she wasn't hiding her feelings as well as she should be. A wizard from the university. She of course hated him. "Rigen is very skilled with the time element of magic. As such, he is one of Thespa's strongest healers."

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