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Darien's POV

" That's all for today. I hope we can settle this matter tomorrow." Mr. Norman said with his Russian accent.

I nodded and sighed inwardly. I wasn't feeling that good today. I was having a high fever. I had it from last night. But I had to attend the meeting. And see? Now they have cancelled it.

" I am extremely sorry to bother you, Mr. Krendler." Mr. Doronin said.

" We actually didn't know this will be cancelled all on a sudden." Mr. Fleming said.

" It's ok. You don't have to apologize." I said to them. " Just inform me tomorrow after getting assured that the meeting will take place for sure. Please, don't waste my prescious time." I said to them a bit coldly and it worked on them.

" Sure, Mr. Krendler no one will bother you before getting sure about it." Mr. Bernstein said.

" Alright then I think this is end here we will call it a day. I hope you guys sort out things by tomorrow." I said to them and they nodded smilingly.

" We will try our best to do that." They said.

" Don't try just do that." I said and gestured everyone of my team to keep quiet.

" Sure, Sir. We will do that." Mr. Doronin said.

" Very well then." I said and came out of there. My team followed me.

" Darien, this is so so insulting. Why didn't you take any steps against it?" Mr. Hendrickson said. I shook my head.

" No need to waste our time." I said to him.

He was a bit disappointed but didn't say anything. I know what I am doing. So, I know he will not complain against it. I am sure about that. Everyone in the group trusts me very much. At least I know I have earned that.

" If they does the same thing again then I am afraid that we have to inform the vice president." Mr. Murphy said. I rolled my eyes.

" And the vice president will settle things from there?! If he could settle things from there then why would he send us here to settle it personally? Talk sense, Mr. Murphy." I said to him.

I really am not in a good term with the vice president. I don't know why he hates me so much. I tried to erase that awkward things between us but it is not that easy. He keeps trying to shade me all the time. I am already fed up with his behaviors and stopped trying to convince him to have a friendly relationship with me. It's enough now. I have my limits as well. How long will I keep swallowing my pride and try to act too humble with him when he doesn't deserve that?!!

And this Murphy guy is vice president's spy here. I am very much of sure that he keeps feeding vice president all the news about the trip. I am sure vice president put him in the team for spying on us. He wasn't even a part of this whole process. The other members are also uncomfortable as he came with us. Totally unnecessary and he keeps poking his nose everywhere. So annoying.

" Sure, Mr. Krendler. Just like you want." He said and I nodded.

" I am not the leader of the team but you can ask Mr. Hendrickson if you have any problem. He is in charge and if you guys don't have anything else to say then I think I will be get going. As you all can see that I am not doing very well." I said to them.

" Yes, Darien, you go. You need to take rest. If you need anything just give USA call." Mr. Jackson said and I nodded.

" Sure. Will do that." I said to him smilingly.

I was super tired. I walked towards the car and told the chauffeur to drive directly to the hotel. I needed sleep. I needed to get well by tomorrow. I kept saying that to myself. I reached the hotel and got a call from my grandpa. Here you go. Cole!!! That stupid must have told him about my fever. I picked up the call and it took awhile for me to convince him that I was fine not that sick. Otherwise he will fly here and admit me in the hospital. I was talking to Grandpa and found Cole reaching me trying to say something but I ignored him as he told grandpa that I was having a fever. I ignored him and reached my hotel suite.

" Sir, there are-" Cole was saying but I closed the door on his face.

Tit for tat. What does he thinks he himself is!!! He just has made the old man tensed. I told him not to tell the old man about that.

" Suits you!!!" I said removing the suit and loosening the tie. I threw the suit away. I don't know where it fall just plopped down on the couch and leaned back closing my eyes.

" I think I am dying." I mumbled.

" No, you are not." I felt like I heard her voice.

Damn!!! I miss my girl. I have to go back and see her. I do badly was to hug her so tightly until I fall asleep peacefully. It always gives me peace of mind whenever I have her in my arms. Heck with the meetings I am going back tomorrow morning. I can't handle to be away from her. I took out my phone and checked the wallpaper. It was her. Always her.

" Water!!!" Someone handed me a glass of water and I took it silently.

" Thank you." I said to the person as I drank the water.

" Keep the phone down. I am here. Look at me." I heard her voice again.

" Damn!!! I am going crazy." I said to myself and looked behind. I was shocked seeing her standing behind me. I kept looking at her weirdly for awhile then turned to the wallpaper on my phone. " See? You keep making me crazy for you. You kept coming in my dreams before now I am starting to have hallucinations of you. What am I supposed to do with you?! Why don't you just marry me and come to my life permanently so that I can come out of this situation?! You have to take the responsibility if I see everyone around as you tomorrow. I just want you to be mine. Completely. Soul, heart and body. I just don't want to share you with anyone else. I hate sharing but I lo-" I was about to say that I love her but my phone was snatched from me and thrown on the other end of the couch. I just found her sitting on my lap the next moment I felt her kissing me passionately. Was it a dream!!!!

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