Not Easy

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Darien's POV

" What happened?" Taylor asked me.

" What will happen?" I asked him.

" Why are you silent suddenly?" He asked me.

" Nothing. Just was missing home." I said.

" You will go back home soon." He said.

" The sooner the better." I said.

" Think about these girls who were far far away from home all the time just to give us a safe and sound life and hold our nation's pride high. Not just Brielle and Josie but all those people working in different forces. I am very proud that I met some of them in person." Taylor said and I chuckled.

" Suddenly how you become so thoughtful about it?" I asked him though I was always very proud of my wife despite of disliking her dangerous moves in those missions.

" Just suddenly that clicked my mind." He said.

" I got it. I am always proud of my wife. She is a brave and strong woman. She has a big contribution on those missions. She is really something to be proud of." I said to him.

" I agree." He said. " It would be better if I would go back home tonight. I will miss tomorrow's meeting." He said.

" Don't worry Mr. Peterson will be there." I said.

" Yes, he will be but still it would be better if I would be there myself." He said.

" Alright. No need to be worried." I said to him and he sighed deeply.

" That day I was really very angry with the Vice President. He made me want to behead him. How dare he say those things to Mr. Krendler!!!" He said and I sighed deeply.

" I used to think he doesn't like me that's it. I used to think that one day after my uncle he will be the President and we all will proudly support him. But he proved me wrong. He is not worthy of that. He doesn't deserve to be one. My grandpa formed that party with his friends to bring out those young leaders from generation to generation to lead the country prosperously but it turned out to be they don't deserve it. Once everything gets settled the people who betrayed us will be kicked out of the party. I am done with compromising." I said to him and he nodded.

" Your grandpa was my idol. I can't hear bad about him." He said.

" Not just you, brother. Not just you." I said to him.

" They will be destroyed soon." He said. " My dad said to keep an eye on the vice President but it turned out to be he was just jealous of your grandpa and you. He doesn't have any connections with this." He said. I chuckled.

" I know that. That Vice President is actually a chicken though he wants to pretend to be a dragon." I said.

" Aren't dragon imaginary?! Like that him being brave and courageous can only be possible in his imagination." He said to me and I chuckled. " You remember last time when someone attacked you in that meeting?! Even you didn't get a bit nervous but he was like not leaving the President. At last the President has to leave him at his home. He was that panicked. He is a little mouse not even chicken." He said and I laughed.

" Imagine him being a rat." I said to him.

" Like Jerry?" He asked me and I chuckled.

" You turning into a little kid." I said to him. " I was talking about Pikachu. It's my wife's favorite cartoon character and this why I hate it a lot." I said honestly as I was really jealous of that cartoon character sometimes.

" But Pikachu isn't a mouse it's a squirrel." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Same for me." I said and he rolled his eyes.

" Alright. I am going inside. You keep enjoying the weather." He said.

" I am not stupid to get frozen standing here." I said and he chuckled.

" Good. Come with me." He said to me and I nodded.

I walked inside and found my wife with the people around. I sighed deeply. When to get my wife alone?!! I miss her already. I think I have to wait. I walked into the kitchen to have a glass of water. I was coming out but found my wife coming inside so I went back to the kitchen.

" Mr. Krendler, what are you doing here?" She asked me and I sighed.

" I was missing my wife but Mrs. Krendler is too busy to grant a single glance to this poor husband." I said and she giggled.

" Overly dramatic!!!" She said and I sighed. I wrapped my arms around her. She gave me a seductive smile. It was enough to melt my heart.

" Why Mr. Krendler is too romantic today?" She asked me.

" Mr. Krendler is always romantic but Mrs. Krendler can't understand that thing. She will always ignore this poor husband of hers." I said and she sighed deeply.

" No need to be so dramatic." She said cupping my cheeks before pecking on my lips.

" That was cheating." I said.

" Everything us fair in love and war, baby. You told that to me once now you are forgetting that?" She said and I raised my eyebrows.

She copied me. I chuckled before capturing her lips in mine. She wrapped her arms around my shoulder. I picked her up a bit to make her comfortable with the height.

" Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I haven't seen anything!!" Juliet's voice stopped us at once. We turned to see her standing there covering her eyes.

" Lettieeeee!!!" I groaned. " You spoiled the moment." I said to her.

" I haven't seen anything. You guys continue." She said before leaving the place. " Take a sip of my secret potion.." she left singing the song 'Black Magic'. I don't expect my better than this from my sister.

We walked out of the kitchen and I talked to the guests. They left one by one. I went to the room and suddenly Cole came to call me. I walked out wirh him and Taylor told me we need to go back to USA right away. Otherwise there can be a big destruction. I heard the whole story and my blood boiled. How can someone play that ugly game!!!

I don't know how to convince my wife to let me go right away. It won't be easy.

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