Wedding Night

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Brielle's POV

" Hey!!! What's wrong?" Enzy asked me.

" Did you have a rotten tomato?" Kelly asked me. I glared at him.

" I think someone gave her a bitter potion." Nancy said.

" Shut up." I said to them.

" Or I think she has taken the spicy lobsters. It was amazing though but I was just jumping like a crazy money after tasting it. It was too hot for me. If Damian didn't come in time I was planning to jump on the pool nearby.
Did you also have one? Don't worry look up and take breath with your mouth. It will be gone." Karina said and I glared at her.

" Who gave you this weird idea?" I asked her.

" I just was thinking it will work. I never have tried though." She said and I sighed deeply.

" Where is Josie?" I asked Kelly.

" Fighting with Cameron. Why are they fighting?! I don't find any reason about it." Karina said.

" Don't you fight you Nancy?" I asked her.

" Yes, I do because she is a bi*ch." She said.

" You are a bi*ch." Nancy protested at once.

" But Cameron can't be a bi*ch. Cameron is He not She." Karina said. I facepalmed.

" What I meant was they are fighting for nothing. It's common for friends to fight each other." I said.

" Oh, that's it." She said.

" Yes. That's it." I said. " Where is Justin?" I asked Enzy.

" He is with his dad." She said. I smiled.

When Enzy came to know that she can't be having a baby ever again she was so devastated. We all were so sad. She kept crying for days. Seb was very supportive. He always is when it comes about his wife. God protect their love from evil eyes. I crossed my heart. Seb kept saying he doesn't want kids anymore Justin was enough for them. Many people are there in the world crying everyday to have a baby but not having one. Here they have a baby and they don't want anything else. They can raise him up with all their love and affections.

As for Justin he is just the cutest baby in this whole world. He totally resembles his father even that heart melting smile. It took 2 seconds for him to win my heart. He is just an angel. I know he will grow up a great person like his parents one day.

" There you go." Kelly said as she found Seb coming toward us with Justin. He gave him to Enzy and Justin sensed his mother's presence hugged her at once.

I pouted. I want a baby too. I want mine as well. Cute like Justin. God, please give me one. Seb looked at me and chuckled.

" What's wrong, little one?" He asked me.

" I am not little any more. There is a little baby at home now who is younger than me." I said proudly.

" You still are the little one fot me." He said and I rolled my eyes.

He left chuckling at me. I sighed. I was angry with Darien for inviting my parents at our wedding without informing me. I just didn't want to meet them ever. They were too selfish people. They don't deserve kindness. They deserve to be ignored all the time. They kept ignoring me all my life. They have forgotten my existence all these years. They don't deserve to be a part of my happiness. Never ever. I don't know why he invited them in such a ceremony. Why will I remember them when they gave me nothing but pain in their lives!!!

The wedding ceremony ended and the guests started to leave. I take a leave from my family with my dear husband and with whom I was extremely angry tonight. I didn't talk to him whole the way to home. He might have thought I was too tired this why didn't bother me. I clenched my fists gritting my teeth. He better have an explanation for what he has done.

The car stopped in front of the Krendler house. I got down from the car. There were a few guests at home. I attended them and then walked up to his room. I changed my wedding dress and took a shower before lying on the bed. I heard the door opening and then it closed. He entered the room. I didn't say anything. He came toward me and checked if I was asleep. He walked towards the washroom to get freshen up. I got up from the bed. I found him coming out of the washroom.

" When did you wake up?" He asked me wiping his face with the towel.

" Awhile back." I said to him.

" You should go back to sleep again. It's already half past 12." He said checking the time.

" We need to talk." I said to him.

" About what?" He asked me.

" About my parents." I said to him.

" Can we talk about it tomorrow morning?" He asked me.

" No. We need to talk and that's too now." I said standing up face to face.

" What about them?" He asked me.

" Why did you invite them? You know that I don't like them don't you?" I asked him.

" They are your parents, Babe." He said.

" But they don't deserve to be there. They have abandoned me when I was a helpless kid. You still think they are deserve to be there?" I asked him.

" It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, Babe. The matter is they are your parents. I have always wished for my parents to be with me but there were no other way. But you still have them. Why not you try to erase that awkwardness? You want them to be happy. Don't you?" He said.

" Your parents and my parents have huge differences. My parents are not count on human being. You know that they left me to die? They didn't even tried to contact me if I am dead or alive." I said and tears slipped down my cheeks. He tried to wipe my tears but I pushed his hand away.

" Don't." I said. " I just kept saying I don't care but I still care. I do care. They did the worst to me. They made my life horrible. They can't be forgiven ever." I said to him. He sighed deeply.

" You can't understand, Darien. They keeps reminding me all the sufferings of my childhood that I faced for them. I was just a little girl of 5. They used to fight all the time. Most of the time their wrath came on me and they kept torturing me. I was horrified with the name of parents. They snatched my childhood. They destroyed my happiness. How dare you invite them at my wedding ceremony?! You think they will be so happy to see my life settling down properly?! No, you are wrong. They will try to separate us if it's possible." I shouted at him without bothering there are guests at home. He looked at me totally shocked.

" The physical torture that they used to do is stopped but those mental torture never stopped. Can you stop making me face them?! This is not fear this is pure hatred." I said and went back to the bed.

I didn't want to hear any other words from him at this moment. I lied down on the edge of the bed not wanting to have a fight anymore. I felt him turning off the lights and lying next to me. I tried to ignored his signature body fragrance. I was angry with him. But he pulled me in a hug. I protested.

" Sleep. Everything will be ok." He said kissing on my forehead. I sighed deeply before closing my eyes.

It's better when we are not fighting. I successfully spoiled my wedding night but he was responsible too.

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