Post Endgame reunion

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Summary: Tony and Pepper never dated but are very good friends, Endgame happened but Loki saved the day(Another story for another time). Team Cap and Team Stank never had a proper reunion and when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Wakandan people, GOTG, Avengers, Asguardians the who package

"So then I went 'pew pew' and he just took out a knife and said 'life to meet you' and even though he stabbed me he made a pu-," Peter Parker aka Spider-man said as his totally not father figure rushed him to the infirmary.

"Kid I don't care what he said about puns, next time you get hurt, you call me immediately and try to come back to the tower," Tony said. He could swear that he felt grey hairs popping up.

"Sorry dad, " Peter said looking down at his now bandaged abdomen. "I'll try not to have a next time" and with that, his head dropped on the pillow and promptly fell asleep.

(๑>؂<๑)this is your new time skip Zayn

After Tony called May and assured her that her nephew was safe because he didn't want Peter going back just yet. (May let him stay at Avengers tower because it was the last week of school) he heard phone ringing. It was unfamiliar until Tony realized it was the flip phone.

See it wasn't that he didn't want to not pick it up but every time he looked at it, it reminded him of the times that he and Steve spent together, when the Avengers were still one big superfamily. Reluctantly, he picked it up and answered



Guess who ;)


"Hi Tony" Huh, Steve sounded like hell

"Hey Tones, we're going back to the tower in two days time" Wow, straight to the point much? Wait-

"WHAT- YOU- COME BACK WHY??" Tony Stark was not the man to stutter but hearing the made his mind loose its shit. Oh my god, they're coming back, what about Peter, how will he react, will he be happy? Sad? Angry? All three?

"Tony, stop thinking about it, I can hear the thought in your head going millions of miles per hour" Steve did know him well

" I know what you're thinking. What about Peter? How will he react? He maybe angry at us but, we are still his family"

"Fine, but I have some ground rules:

First, don't go near Peter if he doesn't want you to

Second, you still have your old rooms but you can't go into Peter's unless he specifically asks you to

And last, if you see Loki, don't kill him. I still may not trust him but Peter likes him so he is here. The rest of the rules are the same." And with that, he hung up. (Can anyone guess who the anonymous person is? )


"He's my friend"

"So was I"

"No, you were more"

--Flashback end--

The hard part was telling Peter. When tony first spilled the news to him, Peter was ecstatic. Then it turned sad and lastly angry but cute.

"So pops, auntie Tasha and the others are coming back? Along with the super cool small then big ant dude?" Peter asked for the millionth time on the way to the school. It was the last day of school and he was nervous to see his family.

"Yes, yes and maybe. Tic-tac might go to visit his family before coming here to meet you," They arrived at the school and Peter hopped off and with a last hug to his still not his father figure even though he called him dad, went to school

--(๑>؂<๑) Zayn is here--

Tony went to personally pick up the Avengers from the airport. Reunions were...messy. First there were paparazzi everywhere. Then the meetings. When Wanda saw Vision, she jumped into his arms and clung on to him. Then Sam and Rhodey. Sam apologized so many times it was almost able to rival Peter's apologies. Then Bucky came up to Tony awkwardly and said sorry. Tony patted him on the back which surprised Bucky so much, he stumbled back and slipped on the plum he dropped (It was hilarious but don't tell him that)。And then Steve. His gorgeous baby blue eyes just as clear as he remembered. Steve walked up to him silently and hugged him. Tony didn't pull back.

After the reunion, he saw Nat with a knife in her hand and smiled. Same old person, nice to see that somethings still hasn't changed.

"Well, Tony, take us to our baby spider" Tony didn't even question how she knew because she's Natasha Fucking Romanoff. She could even know about the time that he accidentally used coffe to wash his hair...

--At Peter's school--

Peter POV

Something is going to go wrong

3rd person POV

It was just a 'normal'afternoon, if you ignore the fact that that it was the last day and the Avengers were coming back. 

The last bell rang and everyone hurried to get out until they saw what was outside. The Avengers in all their glory, stood outside.

Peter didn't know why the entrance was blocked until whispers  broke you

OMG their the Avengers!

I wonder who their waiting for?

I knew it! The Avengers finally see my true value and want me as an intern!

 Peter pushed to the front and before the teachers could stop him, ran full speed at Captain America. He crashed into a very surprised but happy Steve Rogers until he took out a spoon(Out of nowhere) and started stabbing him with it

"I *stab, sob* missed *stab* you *stab*so *stab*much"Peter said as he cried into his pops' chest. 

"I missed you too Pete" Steve said stroking Peter's hair. Someone cleared their throat behind them

"AUNTIE TASHA" Peter exclaimed, throwing himself at the spy while the whole school stood dumbstruck. The nerdy and weak Peter Parker knew the Avengers?!?

----------------------Zayn has left for now----------

After the school fiasco, they had a movie night, deciding on secret life of pets, everyone went to the cinema in the tower (Tony obviously had one. Who do you think he is?) and settled down. FRIDAY took  a picture and put it as the wallpaper (On the literal walls) of the living room. They were one big, happy family. 

For those of you who still don't know why the mystery character is, it was Natasha! And please go follow my fan account on Instagram

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