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This was a request I had for quite a long time (IDK why someone requested this right after Halloween but I don't judge) so I'll write this first. BTW a massive thank you to all of your readers for not pressuring me to write more! Thank You!!!

It was almost that time of the year. Christmas. Steve Rogers had always love Christmas and celebrated it every year. When he was younger, he celebrated it with Bucky. Now he celebrated it with most of the Avengers.

Although they weren't massive parties, Steve felt really happy and now with Peter and Shuri, it was even more lively since the teenagers always came up with some really good party tricks. The ones who didn't enjoy it that much was Nat, Carol and Tony.

One day, a few days before Christmas, Steve said at lunch

"It's almost Christmas! Do you know what that means?" Most of the Avengers were here but some would be arriving later due to the fact that a) Two of them had kingdoms to run and b) Some were saving the galaxy

"OMG YESSSSSS!!! THE FOOD!!!!" This was Peter, as he always loved food (Who doesn't?)

"Maybe some snowball fights!" Shuri said, already planning the machines she would make to beat Peter, who had spidey senses. Even though the former two responses we cheerful, there just had to be some that weren't or it wouldn't be the Avengers anymore.

"Oh of course," Tony said." It's the time of the year where I'm finally happy for the first time in 30 years?" It didn't stop there obviously (Did anyone read that in Louis' voice?)

"Yes, yes, it's time for my self hating thoughts to go away for one fucking day," This one was Carol. Poor her. The icing on top was Natasha though,

"Ah, yes, time to reminisce the poor , unfortunate souls who I've killed on this merry day.

Steve looked at them with the Eyebrows of Disappointment™ look.

"I was originally going to say 'time for ugly sweaters competition' but change of plans everyone! We're going to group therapy!"

The only thing was, they were kicked out immediately after they entered because " Every single goddamn Christmas! Can't we just enjoy the peace and quiet without superheroes coming to me with their problems?"

Hey guys! Good news! My exams finished early so I will have more time to write! Bad news is that I might have to spend dome time making my friends birthday present because her birthday is on Christmas Eve. I will try to upload as soon as possible and the next story will probably be out nest week. Love you all <3!

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