I just had to get kidnapped

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This was a request from @lamming19 I hope you like it!

Peter felt his spidey senses go off right after school. He brushed it off and braced for impact, thinking it was Flash. What he didn't expect was for someone to stick a needle into his neck and put a bag around his face. They must have known he was Spider-Man because he passed out the last thing he heard was

'Call Stark, tell him we have his son'


Tony Stark was not a patient man when it comes to lad days with Peter. He could accept the boy being 10 minutes late because he might talk to his girl/boyfriend. When Peter was 20 minutes late, Tony thought, well he might have missed the first subway. But when he was 1 hour 49 minutes and 23 seconds late, Tony became worried. Hi- the kid was never this late so he called Pepper, thinking that Peter might be with her since she adored that kid, but after being yelled at her for 10 minutes straight for 'not taking care of the kid' and 'you should have picked him up'. The called an Avengers meeting, hell they even got Dr. Strange to come, even if he says it's because he owes him for fixing his coffee machine.

"So, you're telling me that because your ass was lazy and couldn't get up to pick up Peter, which would take 20 minutes tops, he got kidnapped?" A mad Natasha Romanoff was not something you want to deal with, but an angry-over-Peter Nat, would make Odin peed his royal robes. Just then his phone rang, he was relieved to see it was from Peter.

"Hey Pete, where are you? We were so worried? And you're grounded from sp-"

'Give me access to the Arc reactor or else this stupid kid asking for a sandwich wont live very long" And the call ended. After their initial shock, Tony started tracing the GPS he installed in Peter's phone and then getting hela angry when he traced back to an old HYDRA base. Steve who was looking over his shoulder said


"Assemble" The rest finished and as soon as Tony gave Strange the coordinates, opened a portal to get there.


Peter was less than pleased, first he missed lab night and movie night with Mr.Stark and his superfamily. Furthermore, these people who call themselves 'Hydra' when their uniform is actually an octopus ,because Hydra has 9 heads not 9 tentacled, started asking him questions and the conversation went something like this:

H : Where do you live

P : On earth

H : Where on earth

P : In the west

H : Where in the west

P: Northern hemisphere

H *clearly frustrated* Where in the Northern hemisphere

P: In america

H: Where in america

P: New York

H: I GIVE UP! Who do you live with

P: My family

And then the agent just walked away. Now he was just hoping someone would come and save him when a wishes sort of came true. He had expected the avengers or the Guardians, what he didn't expect was Wade wilson coming here

"Well dear readers," Wade started." It's time to @OfficialFourthWall because it's about to break. PPPS ARE COMING!!!!" Right after he said that, a portal opened and out came the avengers. Alarms blared and agents flooded in. Wanda and Natasha focused on getting Peter out of his bounds and the rest had started fighting HYDRA. Loki used the tesseract to make the agents fall forever and Thor used his lightning to deactivate their weapons. After Peter was freed, Nat yelled RETREAT and they all went back through the newly opened portal.

Even if he didn't get to enjoy movie night, he still got to cuddle with his family and hey, he wasn't complaining.

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